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An Announcement From #TeamStacks

3 Stacks

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Hello to The Liverpool Way family,


9 years ago today, I made my glorious introduction to this forum, and nothing was the same again. 


This message is to say that on December the 7th 2025, An exact decade on from my glorious debut, I will make a permanent exit from The Liverpool Way. This is not something I take lightly. It will upset and sadden some people, but it must be done.


The reasons are multiple and I have not taken this decision lightly. You might think the haters and losers on here, of which there are many, may have won. That they have made me mad. That is indeed a small variable, but it is not the principle reason. The principle reason is that I have done all that I can do on here and there is nothing left. I have raised the level time and time again, but it is time for greener pastures. For a new challenge. I could also say that I have simply outgrown this place, which would be true, but I will refrain from saying that. Credit to me. 


My arrival on here coincided with the rebirth of the club as winners (not a coincidence) and we are once again in the thick of a season where big titles could be at stake. Like Jurgen, I wanted to announce my departure in advance so that everyone can drink in the moments and go through this roller-coaster (plus a summer and approximatively a third of another season) one last time. 






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3 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

9 years ago today, I made my glorious introduction to this forum, and nothing was the same again. 




3 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

An exact decade on from my glorious debut 






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11 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

Hello to The Liverpool Way family,


9 years ago today, I made my glorious introduction to this forum, and nothing was the same again. 


This message is to say that on December the 7th 2025, An exact decade on from my glorious debut, I will make a permanent exit from The Liverpool Way. This is not something I take lightly. It will upset and sadden some people, but it must be done.


The reasons are multiple and I have not taken this decision lightly. You might think the haters and losers on here, of which there are many, may have won. That they have made me mad. That is indeed a small variable, but it is not the principle reason. The principle reason is that I have done all that I can do on here and there is nothing left. I have raised the level time and time again, but it is time for greener pastures. For a new challenge. I could also say that I have simply outgrown this place, which would be true, but I will refrain from saying that. Credit to me. 


My arrival on here coincided with the rebirth of the club as winners (not a coincidence) and we are once again in the thick of a season where big titles could be at stake. Like Jurgen, I wanted to announce my departure in advance so that everyone can drink in the moments and go through this roller-coaster (plus a summer and approximatively a third of another season) one last time. 









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