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Everton (A) - Sat 7th Dec 2024 (12:30pm)


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8 minutes ago, Code said:

Cancelling a game because of a gale?


Ive heard it all now. 

You can't have thousands of people travelling when railway lines have fallen trees on them....roads are blocked by debris and where in a residential area slates are coming off roofs and wheelie bins etc are bouncing down streets.


It is a bit shite from our luck perspective as it will no doubt be the only game off in PL this weekend as other games are later/tomorrow when things have eased or in areas not affected as badly - but sadly it is what it is.



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5 minutes ago, Code said:

I have a confession to make. Once again, I have been drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, and I’m on the internet posting stupid shit again.  Hopefully, a polar bear wanders by and chews both my arms off to stop me doing it for a few weeks. Please Mr Polar Bear, save me from myself.


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