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Everton (A) - Sat 7th Dec 2024 (12:30pm)


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39 minutes ago, Dapower said:

Oh well that explains it why North west tonight didn’t have a 10 minute slot solely on the weather derailing the second special ones upcoming 2nd win 

Don't worry they'll have 20 mins tomorrow detailing how they are back if they win Sat.

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4 hours ago, Pidge said:

More likely just one of the off weeks during the CL playoffs. Considering the number of injuries and general tiredness of the squad, wouldn't be the worst thing to happen ahead of the Xmas run.

I wouldn't mind that.


Also, I need to get some shopping done this weekend.

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1 hour ago, sir roger said:

I am not sure some BBC journalists have been studying the recent Goodison Derbys too closely when I read headlines like ' load up with Liverpool players for this weeks fantasy football '

Just read we have won 2 out of the last 12 at the pit....

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1 hour ago, sir roger said:

I am not sure some BBC journalists have been studying the recent Goodison Derbys too closely when I read headlines like ' load up with Liverpool players for this weeks fantasy football '


Already reached my gigantic limit of 3 so what exactly do they propose for players like me?

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39 minutes ago, an tha said:

Just read we have won 2 out of the last 12 at the pit....

A lot of people thinking we have to win tomorrow, not for me. Don't get me wrong, 4pts from the week was the aim but a draw tomorrow is not the end of the world. The 9pt cushion was there to absorb weeks like these and make no mistake the others will have just as tricky fixtures down the line which we will gain from.


As long as we don't get beat then I'm fine. 5pts is still very healthy at this stage, 7 would be incredible going into Xmas with a fairly kind schedule on paper.

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10 minutes ago, Smell The Glove said:

A lot of people thinking we have to win tomorrow, not for me. Don't get me wrong, 4pts from the week was the aim but a draw tomorrow is not the end of the world. The 9pt cushion is there to absorb weeks like these and make no mistake the others will have just as tricky fixtures down the line which we will gain from.


As long as we don't get beat then I'm fine. 5pts is still very healthy at this stage.

As shite as the shite are a draw there is not really a bad result given the nature of the fixture.


I don't think this season is going to be one where near perfection is required and I feel nobody is likely to top 90 points this season, and if a team does then I feel they will win league handily. So a draw in the away derby is certainly not a disaster.


All that said though, we live in an era where there is ridiculous media and social media hyperbole with hours of coverage to fill and clicks to be won and the narrative of our lead more or less halving in a week is not one I want to have to tolerate and have swirling around us regardless of how stupid it is.


It is about time we asserted ourselves there too as well.


I still think game will be called off mind....

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17 minutes ago, Smell The Glove said:

A lot of people thinking we have to win tomorrow, not for me. Don't get me wrong, 4pts from the week was the aim but a draw tomorrow is not the end of the world. The 9pt cushion was there to absorb weeks like these and make no mistake the others will have just as tricky fixtures down the line which we will gain from.


As long as we don't get beat then I'm fine. 5pts is still very healthy at this stage, 7 would be incredible going into Xmas with a fairly kind schedule on paper.

I agree. This is our toughest run of fixtures all season. Getting out of it top and without too many injuries would be a success.

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22 minutes ago, Binomial said:

These cunts are long overdue a Mersey style ass whooping. 


Get at them, score the first goal and they'll crumble. None of this always taking the safe option back to Kelleher negative shit that only invites pressure. 

Those back passes are often to draw the opposition in and exploit the space behind. Best against ultra defensive opposition.

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4 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Those back passes are often to draw the opposition in and exploit the space behind. Best against ultra defensive opposition.

Against most teams we should be pinning them back and keeping them there.


We don't have that creative spark in the middle of the pitch that these other teams do so I understand why we do it but it only gives the forwards less reason to make runs, stretch defences etc.

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8 minutes ago, Binomial said:

Against most teams we should be pinning them back and keeping them there.


We don't have that creative spark in the middle of the pitch that these other teams do so I understand why we do it but it only gives the forwards less reason to make runs, stretch defences etc.

We used to have an even less creative midfield but won everything in sight. Players need to be good enough to solve these problems.

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