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Everton (A) - Sat 7th Dec 2024 (12:30pm)


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Let’s get this played on New Year’s Day. The closer the game gets to the end of the season, the bigger deal it will be, and the pressure gets cranked up. If we reach the League Cup final, that’s another game that will need rearranging don’t forget. Let’s not store up potentially ridiculous fixture congestion.

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12 hours ago, Megadrive Man said:

12.30 on New years day.


They can be the first Premier League team to lose in 2025.

I think they did that a few years ago against Leicester as it was a 12.00 kick off. Some lad I know was coming home from a new year party and posted in Facebook "Fucking hell I haven't even got home from my new years party and Everton are already losing and ruining the new year for me"

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On 07/12/2024 at 09:03, an tha said:

Time to stay away from twatter and other blogs etc...as be flooded with this narrative.




On 07/12/2024 at 09:12, Dapower said:

Just our luck could have gone 10 clear put big pressure on Arsenal and now it could be down to 4 gives them bigger belief that they are already smelling themselves as it is 

Anyone feeling the pressure yet?

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13 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:


Anyone feeling the pressure yet?

BBC are devoed so far - seen at least 3 references to 'chance to cut lead to 4' during arsenal game on their site. Expect they will ramp it up during Chelsea game.


Mention number 1 without any mention of playing a game more of course!



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13 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

That requires us to get guaranteed top 8 in the CL tomorrow. Otherwise we could still be involved in the CL play off then. 

Thats 2 weeks from when we play PSV in our last match. Not ideal but given the lack of travel/organisation involved, it's probably plenty of time.

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