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Everton (A) - Sat 7th Dec 2024 (12:30pm)


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1 hour ago, an tha said:

It is the right decision with how bad it is but it is also IMO really irritating, a night game there will be harder without doubt and yeah it does eat into our lead points wise. Points on board always better than games in hand.


It just feels like every thing that can possibly go against us in a season always does - PL games being called off due to weather are really, really rare happenings and of course it is us when it does happen now.

I feel the opposite, I think this works well for us. The game would have been an absolute lottery, we have a few players who could do with a breather, we can play a decent team midweek now and hopefully wrap that up with a high seed. 

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25 minutes ago, Code said:

Ive been looking for live webcam, but I found this instead. 


Seriously, cancelled because of this weather?



I'm not looking for webcams: I'm looking out of the window.  It's not safe to get tens of thousands of people travelling for a fucking game.

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19 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

I'm not looking for webcams: I'm looking out of the window.  It's not safe to get tens of thousands of people travelling for a fucking game.

Is it «safe» to go to the pub?


Ill be tuning in to a live stream from Coopers shortly to find out.

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I love about 1-2 miles from Goodison. The weather is bad now and has been steadily worsening all morning. You couldn’t play football in this, especially as Goodison has open points at the corners of the ground. It’s basically be a wind tunnel.

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13 minutes ago, Code said:

Is it «safe» to go to the pub?


Ill be tuning in to a live stream from Coopers shortly to find out.


mate when your bins have congregated by themselves in the middle of your drive, your fence has blown over and your Christmas wreath is hoopla around the lamppost you know the game is off.

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48 minutes ago, Smell The Glove said:

I feel the opposite, I think this works well for us. The game would have been an absolute lottery, we have a few players who could do with a breather, we can play a decent team midweek now and hopefully wrap that up with a high seed. 

I'd have much preferred game to be taking place albeit in normal conditions.





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1 hour ago, No2 said:

That rings a bell alright. The issue here is TNT will be cannibalising their own CL coverage. I don't know how much sway each party gets in the decision but I reckon TNT would love to keep it until late April. The way the broadcasting works, TNT are usually down to the scraps by the time the run in starts, they have usually used up their Liverpool quota anyway. 

I think you can play top flight games on CL nights but not have them broadcast live.


This will be a complication if TNT say they still wish to have this fixture as a live game when it is played and likely mean we end up playing it later.

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20 minutes ago, Code said:

Is it «safe» to go to the pub?


Ill be tuning in to a live stream from Coopers shortly to find out.

Will there be tens of thousands of people in Coopers? No? Then stop being a prick.


(Very few things boil my piss more than politicians and public officials being blasé about public safety.  It's a fucking game.  So you've had a wasted journey? Tough! Stop whining.)

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1 hour ago, Vincent Vega said:

Wednesday 1st January looks an option. Both teams play on Sunday 29th December, Everton at home to Forest, us away to West Ham. Everton then play Bournemouth on Saturday 4th January, whilst we play the Mancs on Sunday 5th January. I was surprised that there weren’t games scheduled for New Year’s Day anyway, as there are most years. 

That looks favourable to me, as it means we get to play the game just over three weeks after it was due to be played.

Interesting shout.

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14 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Trees down everywhere but yeah if Code wants people travelling from all over, broadcast staff, club and match staff, risk it so he can put his trotters up for the match fuck it. If people wanna go the pub that’s on them. 



Anybody blamed Suarez?

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