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Everton (A) - Sat 7th Dec 2024 (12:30pm)


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Not hugely fussed about having the points on the board, something that never seemed to help us whenever Man City needed to win a game in hand to go ahead.

If we’re good enough, we’ll win when necessary and it’ll be a sickener to the chasing pack. If we’re not good enough, the attention returns to FSG’s under-investment in the playing squad.


I’d say Tuesday’s team should now be governed by how fresh the players are judged to be. Might be worth giving some of those who looked to be toiling somewhat an extended rest, but we can certainly go much stronger than we otherwise would have. Southampton in the League Cup will soon provide another excellent opportunity to rest anyone who needs to be rested.

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2 minutes ago, TheDrowningMan said:

Not hugely fussed about having the points on the board, something that never seemed to help us whenever Man City needed to win a game in hand to go ahead.

If we’re good enough, we’ll win when necessary and it’ll be a sickener to the chasing pack. If we’re not good enough, the attention returns to FSG’s under-investment in the playing squad.


I’d say Tuesday’s team should now be governed by how fresh the players are judged to be. Might be worth giving some of those who looked to be toiling somewhat an extended rest, but we can certainly go much stronger than we otherwise would have. Southampton in the League Cup will soon provide another excellent opportunity to rest anyone who needs to be rested.

You ok hun?

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All the weather talk is about how Storm Darragh is wreaking havoc in western coastal areas. It's all howling gales and squally rain here in the Midlands so it's the right call to postpone a game that would otherwise take place in much worse conditions than what we have over here. Squeezing this fixture into an already crowded calendar is going to be a challenge. I would imagine that an early FA Cup exit for both sides will free up a weekend, otherwise it's a midweek game. I would rather the fixture be the third of 3 games in a week for both sides, not just us. Dycheball and Everton in general aren't geared up for three games in a week whereas we are much more used to it.

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Looking at schedule these look most likely dates for rescheduled fixture.


I'd imagine we make league cup semi final so those two are likely out and the latter two dates are most likely.

7/8 Jan League Cup Semi Final 1st Leg

4/5 Feb League Cup Semi Final 2nd Leg

11-12 Feb CL knockout round play off first leg

18-19 Feb CL knockout round play off second leg

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Just now, an tha said:

Looking at schedule these look most likely dates for rescheduled fixture.


I'd imagine we make league cup semi final so the latter two dates are most likely.

7/8 Jan League Cup Semi Final 1st Leg

4/5 Feb League Cup Semi Final 2nd Leg

11-12 Feb CL knockout round play off first leg

18-19 Feb CL knockout round play off second leg

UEFA might not like the latter two possibilities.

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