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FA Cup 3rd Rd Draw - Monday 2/12/24

an tha

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We've had a quite unbelievable amount of draws against other PL sides in recent years at this stage. Given the amount of teams in draw at this stage it really has been quite the anomaly.


Would be nice to get a kinder draw and the chance to maybe blood some kids.


Last few years draws:


24: Arsenal (a)

23: Wolves (h)

22: Shrewsbury (h)

21: Aston Villa (a)

20: Everton (h)

19: Wolves (a)

18: Everton (h)



7pm, Monday - We are No. 20


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It would be highly beneficial to us to face some lower league team at Anfield, but that almost never happens and we have to face a PL side and go stronger than we would like. Or it will be an away tie at a Championship side riding high at the top of the division.


I choose Sheffield Wednesday away every year and it never happens. We haven't played them at all this century. I used to say Forest away too but we have at least played them in the cup a few years ago.

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1 hour ago, Trumo said:

I choose Sheffield Wednesday away every year and it never happens. We haven't played them at all this century. I used to say Forest away too but we have at least played them in the cup a few years ago.


The less we have to go to Hillsborough the better.

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