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15 hours ago, manwiththestick said:

This happened to my arl fella in September, woke up in the morning, couldn't move. Stayed in hospital for a few days, spent a couple of weeks being tired and weak.


He's still not fully up to speed but he's out everyday walking his dog and this week was given the okay to drive.


Get better soon VD.


Sad to read that he had to go through something similar, good to know he's managed to recover so quickly though and is moving around regularly too. Glad to see you posting again too VD, hope you start feeling better shortly and thanks for posting back so soon and letting us know how you are.

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Sorry if my last post seems kind of wooden, I've been thinking of VD at times over the last couple of days though and also what happened to my mam's ex. I was one of the first people to see him when it happened and was there when the ambulance turned up too, it's just been strange having those memories back again I suppose.


I remember when we went to hospital to visit him and he'd make out like he was really into getting out for some fresh air, he seemed mainly interested in having a smoke though once we got outside even though he'd been told not to. It was crazy haha.

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15 hours ago, littletedwest said:

I watched a documentary about Welsh drug smuggler Howard Marks last week. When they realised his phone had been tapped his mate said to him " Howard your dogs poorly"

"How poorly?"

"Oh very sick"


It was only when they spoke to UK police they realised he knew his phone was tapped. 

The 2 parter on iPlayer? Good watch that. 
Mr Nice is a good read too. 

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2 hours ago, redinblack said:

"Tender hooks" ?


On 30/11/2024 at 15:15, YorkshireRed said:

When will VD tell us whether a stroke has altered his ‘beans on a breakfast’ vote!


Medical Science is waiting on tender hooks. This could be game changing. 


On 30/11/2024 at 15:32, Engineman Hicks said:

It’s tenter hooks. They’re used to hang cloth to dry in mills. No need to thank me.


On 30/11/2024 at 15:35, TheHowieLama said:

Figures Willard's hooks would be cold heartless bastards.


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