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Sorry to read this. I can still clearly remember when my Mam's ex-husband had one, he tried to get out of bed one morning and just stumbled onto the floor instead. I think it was a fairly bad one but he recovered from it and was eventually moving around fine on his own again. Hope you manage to recover well too and that you're feeling better as quickly as possible.

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11 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

I gave him a trophy but I’ve changed it to a like because apparently the trophy means “thanks” and I’m not grateful for him having a stroke. Proper good egg VD. 

I gave him a trophy as he's an absolute fucking warrior.

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11 hours ago, Red Phoenix said:

Sorry to read this. I can still clearly remember when my Mam's ex-husband had one, he tried to get out of bed one morning and just stumbled onto the floor instead. I think it was a fairly bad one but he recovered from it and was eventually moving around fine on his own again. Hope you manage to recover well too and that you're feeling better as quickly as possible.

This happened to my arl fella in September, woke up in the morning, couldn't move. Stayed in hospital for a few days, spent a couple of weeks being tired and weak.


He's still not fully up to speed but he's out everyday walking his dog and this week was given the okay to drive.


Get better soon VD.

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Imagine the physio walking in and VB is sat there chuckling.


"Ooh what's so funny?"


"I was talking to my mates. The mayor of Stavanger is making me a pie chart to track my recovery and the others have suggested I ask you for a sponge bath."


"Oh right, where are they now?"


"They're quiet now, the football is on."


"I see. Someone page the Dr about this man's meds. Right now."

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47 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Just catching up on this, absolute shocker and I hope he’s ok. Does anyone on here know him who can check in on him? As Stig says, it would be good to hear that he’s on the mend. 


He was on the old board for years with me and also TFTS (who I think became Pistonbroke and then had a virtual punch up on here and flounced) as Flakey - his name is Mike and he may know TFTS (Gord) in real life.

So - anyone know TFTS/PistonBroke?


Actually maybe the Reverend G as well.

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