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Buffet Food


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1 hour ago, Strontium said:

Bread rolls on a buffet are always unbelievable. I don't know how they do them. I've never been able to find rolls like that anywhere in any shop or restaurant. I think I could live off buffet bread rolls and butter for the rest of my life.


All 18 scurvy-riddled months of it. 

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My dad and his old cronies used to drink in the Dunnies club in Walton, and they always looked forward to Fridays, as there was generally an attractive lady in black who would wander across late in the afternoon and ask them if they were hungry as everybody had finished with the buffet.

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1 hour ago, YorkshireRed said:

Just got back from my mum’s funeral. To be fair it was a quality buffet but it lacked scotch eggs, even the miniature kind. For £12.99 per head I was hoping for scotch eggs. There was quiche, but that can get to fuck. I don’t like quiche. I do like scotch eggs. 


Condolences. Sterk, as the Dutch say. 

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30 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

My missus makes us a buffet tea now and then. Just classic buffet food we dig into as we watch a film, small triangle sandwiches, sausage rolls. Cheese pineapple/cheese pickled onion on sticks, quiche all the usual stuff. 

Probably one for the rant thread but my missus likes this every now and again but she calls it “picky bits” and it’s all vegan. 

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2 hours ago, YorkshireRed said:

Just got back from my mum’s funeral. To be fair it was a quality buffet but it lacked scotch eggs, even the miniature kind. For £12.99 per head I was hoping for scotch eggs. There was quiche, but that can get to fuck. I don’t like quiche. I do like scotch eggs. 


Sorry to hear that Yorkie.

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3 hours ago, YorkshireRed said:

Just got back from my mum’s funeral. To be fair it was a quality buffet but it lacked scotch eggs, even the miniature kind. For £12.99 per head I was hoping for scotch eggs. There was quiche, but that can get to fuck. I don’t like quiche. I do like scotch eggs. 

Hope it went as well as possible mate x 

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52 minutes ago, Stouffer said:

When I win the euromillions I'm having one of these with every meal.




Once got to a mate's party early, and his mum asked us to finish one of these, so spent 20 minutes putting a plate full of cheese cubes onto a spike , like a multi-generational remedial class with his dad and grandad 

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8 hours ago, Pete said:

You mean to say you don't like the idea of eating food that is:

1. Left uncovered for a good while. 

2. Potentially handled by several people.

3. At the mercy of folks sneezing over or near it.

4. Best served warm immediatley and not a few hours later, cold and unappetising?



Don't forget the urine and faeces being transferred to it. 

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9 hours ago, Pete said:

You mean to say you don't like the idea of eating food that is:

1. Left uncovered for a good while. 

2. Potentially handled by several people.

3. At the mercy of folks sneezing over or near it.

4. Best served warm immediatley and not a few hours later, cold and unappetising?




Vladimir Putin over here.

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