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Buffet Food


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Pork pie with coleslaw and a prawn sarnie if one’s going. 

Often if a buffet is on there’s a bar and I hate my bird telling me to go up to the buffet. “I’ll wait till others have gone babe” “want me to get you a plate?” “No fuck off im drinking if I wanted to stop to eat I’d be up there but im fine as I am I’ll pick at something in a bit if I fancy but right now im content doing my own thing you busy twat*” 




*”honest babe I’ll grab something in a minute thanks though”


”oh go on then” 



Im a shitbag 

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55 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Probably my favourite food. Christening buffets are always the best because nobody is crying and all the people with kids are too busy to eat.


Mini scotch eggs, pork pies, sausage rolls, cheese and pineapple on a stick, gladiators - I salute you.


Get yourself to San Sebastian for your next holiday, Sec.

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When I was about 15 I worked at a sports/social club that held functions such as weddings, birthdays mist Fridays and Saturday. I was glass collecting during the evenings but in the day time was helping out preparing the buffet food.


Some of the things I seen put me off buffets for life, I won't go near them, add to the fact that I hate queuing for stuff, I prefer to just eat at home beforehand.

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53 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

When I was about 15 I worked at a sports/social club that held functions such as weddings, birthdays mist Fridays and Saturday. I was glass collecting during the evenings but in the day time was helping out preparing the buffet food.


Some of the things I seen put me off buffets for life, I won't go near them, add to the fact that I hate queuing for stuff, I prefer to just eat at home beforehand.

You mean to say you don't like the idea of eating food that is:

1. Left uncovered for a good while. 

2. Potentially handled by several people.

3. At the mercy of folks sneezing over or near it.

4. Best served warm immediatley and not a few hours later, cold and unappetising?



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1 minute ago, Section_31 said:

Funeral buffets are a tough one if you're a secondary or tertiary guest as you want to eat but you can't be too eager.


"At least she didn't suffer"


"Thank god."



We spent a fortune on the catering for my mums funeral. Towards the end we saw some of her neighbours from across the road boxing it all up and leaving. I got back to my mums an hour or so later and asked where the food was. The cheeky cunts asked my mums partner if they could take it, he thought they meant back to his where people were heading back. They took it home. My auntie stopped me going round on the bounce because I’d had a few bevvies. Cheeky scruffy bastards I’m still fuming 4 years later. There was loads and it was good food and all. 

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3 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

We spent a fortune on the catering for my mums funeral. Towards the end we saw some of her neighbours from across the road boxing it all up and leaving. I got back to my mums an hour or so later and asked where the food was. The cheeky cunts asked my mums partner if they could take it, he thought they meant back to his where people were heading back. They took it home. My auntie stopped me going round on the bounce because I’d had a few bevvies. Cheeky scruffy bastards I’m still fuming 4 years later. There was loads and it was good food and all. 


Yeah my cousins hadn't seen my nan for years and turned up to her funeral and took all the flowers and food home, funerals attract a particular class of scruff.

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