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Worst ever managers?


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Just heard on the radio about Lampard getting the Coventry gig, the most unwelcome turn of events for that city since Siegfried and Walter Gunter designed the Heinkel. My heart genuinely went out to them.


He's got to be up there already even at this stage of his career.


Any more for any more?

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6 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Just heard on the radio about Lampard getting the Coventry gig, the most unwelcome turn of events for that city since Siegfried and Walter Gunter designed the Heinkel. My heart genuinely went out to them.


He's got to be up there already even at this stage of his career.


Any more for any more?

Easy. Duncan Ferguson. 

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2 hours ago, lifetime fan said:


Played: 52

Won: 17

Sacked and club on verge of relegation. 

They actually went down from the championship to league 1. Then went into administration and the administrators sacked him.


To be fair to the massive wanker, he was working without pay, and was also paying the wages of some of his players for a few months.

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Watford seem to hire dozens of shit foreign managers who can't speak English and have managed mid table teams in weaker leagues. Then they wonder why they need to constantly sack them. 


Ossie Ardiles was shit at Spurs and that Christian Gross. 


Roy Keane is also a shite manager but if you tell him he offers to fight you in a car park.

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