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Man City (H) - Sun 1st Dec 2024 (4:00pm)


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3 minutes ago, deiseach said:

If you make no effort to play the ball, it's still a penalty and red card. Happened to David Luiz a few years back. Yesterday fell under that for me, ball was past him - you only have to look at the positioning of his hands to see he wasn't going for the ball - and Diaz had an open goal, but the ref was a coward.

No goalie gets sent off for that in this day and age. There's enough genuine attempt at the ball - it's just that he was never getting there - but also diaz's touch takes the ball wide and away from goal.


Not even a little bit of me wanted a red when it happened and I'm biased as fuck and think all refs are awful, so my default reaction tells me a lot.


All I did was jump up out of my seat and then start pacing around fretting until Salah buried it.

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4 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


I think in Kolo's case he'd just had a conversation with Michael Owen and, consequently, had slipt into a coma.


Every time the cunt opens his mouth my eyes start to glaze over. I'm genuinely more engaged when an AI bot pipes up, they have more humanity in their voice. In one breath, him bemoaning the lack of love when he rocks up at Anfield, then in the other telling Trent to give him a ring if he wants to pull the same cunt's trick Owen did when leaving the club. What. A. Cunt. He could have been an absolute fucking legend of the club, cherished by everyone, but he decided that Real Madrid's bench was better, United was better, Newcastle was better. Fuck all the way off.

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22 minutes ago, deiseach said:

If you make no effort to play the ball, it's still a penalty and red card. Happened to David Luiz a few years back. Yesterday fell under that for me, ball was past him - you only have to look at the positioning of his hands to see he wasn't going for the ball - and Diaz had an open goal, but the ref was a coward.

i think when a goalie goes down at the feet of a player like that, it is almost never going to be seen as no effort made for the ball. the ball was in play, he was just late. i see the point you are making, but i would be shocked to see that as a red. 


edit... in the same way that pen arsenal got at the weekend, when the keeper punched gabriel. i think that happens all the time and is never given. even though i think it probably should be a penalty, i was genuinely shocked it was given. 

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14 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

What’s with the Haaland love in?! “He came across well during the game” we starved him of chances and Virgil had him in his pocket again. He’s a moaning goomba

He has a bit of personality and our lads seem to like him, judging by his interactions during the game with Mo, Szloboszlai and Virgil. 

Throwing the ball Gabriel’s head was pretty funny too, as was his attitude to Arsenal after that game. 

We should put in an £8m offer to his crisis-stricken club. 

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12 minutes ago, Dapower said:

Anything more come of this slur from their dickhead keeper fuck me if one of our players said that about Manchester it be all over the place but this has been brushed away 

The sheer childishness of it is far more striking to me. An unbelievably pathetic comment that makes him sound ridiculous and overly sensitive.

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17 minutes ago, Dapower said:

Anything more come of this slur from their dickhead keeper fuck me if one of our players said that about Manchester it be all over the place but this has been brushed away 

come on, the real story is scousers singing about people getting sacked. where's your humanity? how will the god that is pep survive without his millionaire income. it's ok for you fellas on low incomes. when you lose your job, you don't earn that much anyway. how's he going to replace his 10s of millions and off payroll payments? there's just no compassion at all. it's just a game of football and he's being treated like that. 

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2 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

What has their keeper said???

Ortega defended his manager’s reaction, while criticising the city of Liverpool. “Someone told me before that this area is probably not the best part in the UK,” the City keeper said. “I think he reacted really well.”


“They want to sack me. I wish they were more kind. Why didn’t they do it at 0-1? Why didn’t they do it last season when we won the Premier League? Why do they want to sack me now? I didn’t expect that from Anfield, for other clubs like Brighton I can understand it. But for Anfield I didn’t expect this, maybe it is the respect we have. They know we have won six Premier Leagues. But it’s fine, it’s part of the game.”

Guardiola said: “I’m so proud of my six Premier Leagues against that [Liver­pool] team and the previous team [under Jürgen Klopp]. I didn’t expect Anfield to start chanting at 0-2 that I would be sacked. Maybe I deserved to be sacked with our results! Maybe I’m still in the job because I won six Premier Leagues and a lot of titles.


“They want to sack me. I wish they were more kind. Why didn’t they do it at 0-1? Why didn’t they do it last season when we won the Premier League? Why do they want to sack me now? I didn’t expect that from Anfield, for other clubs like Brighton I can understand it. But for Anfield I didn’t expect this, maybe it is the respect we have. They know we have won six Premier Leagues. But it’s fine, it’s part of the game.”

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20 minutes ago, Reckoner said:

Ortega defended his manager’s reaction, while criticising the city of Liverpool. “Someone told me before that this area is probably not the best part in the UK,” the City keeper said. “I think he reacted really well.”


“They want to sack me. I wish they were more kind. Why didn’t they do it at 0-1? Why didn’t they do it last season when we won the Premier League? Why do they want to sack me now? I didn’t expect that from Anfield, for other clubs like Brighton I can understand it. But for Anfield I didn’t expect this, maybe it is the respect we have. They know we have won six Premier Leagues. But it’s fine, it’s part of the game.”

Guardiola said: “I’m so proud of my six Premier Leagues against that [Liver­pool] team and the previous team [under Jürgen Klopp]. I didn’t expect Anfield to start chanting at 0-2 that I would be sacked. Maybe I deserved to be sacked with our results! Maybe I’m still in the job because I won six Premier Leagues and a lot of titles.


“They want to sack me. I wish they were more kind. Why didn’t they do it at 0-1? Why didn’t they do it last season when we won the Premier League? Why do they want to sack me now? I didn’t expect that from Anfield, for other clubs like Brighton I can understand it. But for Anfield I didn’t expect this, maybe it is the respect we have. They know we have won six Premier Leagues. But it’s fine, it’s part of the game.”

It's clear as day he didn't see any humour in it at all, the fucking weirdo. 

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