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Man City (H) - Sun 1st Dec 2024 (4:00pm)


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 I also think it will be Gomez, what works in Quansahs favour though is that if Trent has to go off, we will need to change two positions during the game if Quansah comes on and Gomez moves to left back, the same on the other side with Robertson. 

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This man has no shame.


“But Guardiola insisted he is committed to the challenge of rebuilding the squad, saying: "The squad is really good but we don't have a squad. It's not just Rodri, it's many players.


"After that, I say we need to rebuild, yes. We don't have players. We play six weeks without four centre-backs and two holding midfielders. It's not sustainable.”

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4 hours ago, TD_LFC said:


How many games without a goal has it been now, are we still on the early season downward curve with room to spare or are we primed for that little spike of optimism that precedes the end of season tank?


I'm surprised crypto bro's aren't all over his career, they love a bit of HODL'ing and Mooning.*


*Yeah I had to google it.

That’s spirit. 

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33 minutes ago, TheDrowningMan said:

It would be an outstanding result. City will be red hot after their current run and pundits lining up to predict that we’ll win is never a good sign.

There would be nothing outstanding about a draw. It would be just about acceptable for me because of our lead but leaving a massive whiff of whatif/big chance blown. 

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1 hour ago, Code said:

 I also think it will be Gomez, what works in Quansahs favour though is that if Trent has to go off, we will need to change two positions during the game if Quansah comes on and Gomez moves to left back, the same on the other side with Robertson. 


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We need Tony Robbins to pull a reverse Shallow Hal on Quansah before we consider giving him games in a stadium where the supporters are close to the pitch.


Guardiola won't think twice about loading that first row of seats with City supporting Only Fans girls to put him off.

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6 hours ago, Smell The Glove said:

I think we'll need a lot more. Madrid weren't great midweek, yes we were excellent but the standard will be up a fair few notches Sunday.

I think we made Real Madrid look poor because we didn't give them the time and space to be good. We could do the same against Citeh. But I would still take a point today if it was offered.

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1 hour ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

I think we made Real Madrid look poor because we didn't give them the time and space to be good. We could do the same against Citeh. But I would still take a point today if it was offered.


I can't think about taking a point. But all season (till wednesday) I'd been looking for a performance to go with the results. On Sunday, I'd take the 3 points any way we can get them. 

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