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Would you still have signed Thiago?

Kevin D


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With the benefit of hindsight, would you still have signed Thiago?


I think it’s fair to say he was a really classy player, but injuries hampered him and he did not play as much as he should have.


If you knew how his Liverpool career would play out, would you still have signed him for 25m?

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Yes because I loved watching him play. We got 97 games out of him in his first three years and he was mostly brilliant in the games he did play.


He was a key part of the team that came close to winning the lot in 21/22 and if it weren't for 115 charges FC He'd have at least one more League winners medal to add to his collection. 

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1 hour ago, Megadrive Man said:

Yes because I loved watching him play. We got 97 games out of him in his first three years and he was mostly brilliant in the games he did play.


He was a key part of the team that came close to winning the lot in 21/22 and if it weren't for 115 charges FC He'd have at least one more League winners medal to add to his collection. 

Aye, same view.


There was a 6 week run of games when he had City, Utd, CL semi, title run in matches and Thiago was running those matches with a 98% passing success rate.


It was obscene.

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Yes. One of the most gifted players I’ve ever seen in a red shirt. Not a Liverpool great due to the lack of appearances and the injuries but an absolutely wonderful player to watch. 

If we’d have been able to support him more on the pitch with proper midfielders, he might have lasted longer. As it was he had to cover for the defensive black holes that were Jordan Henderson and then Fabinho as well the season after.


Can't think of too many other players who have played for Guardiola and then Klopp. Gundogan, Gotze, and Lewandowski played for Klopp first then Guardiola, don’t think there’s been anyone other than Thiago who did it the other way round.

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16 minutes ago, joe_fishfish said:

Yes. One of the most gifted players I’ve ever seen in a red shirt. Not a Liverpool great due to the lack of appearances and the injuries but an absolutely wonderful player to watch. 

If we’d have been able to support him more on the pitch with proper midfielders, he might have lasted longer. As it was he had to cover for the defensive black holes that were Jordan Henderson and then Fabinho as well the season after.


Can't think of too many other players who have played for Guardiola and then Klopp. Gundogan, Gotze, and Lewandowski played for Klopp first then Guardiola, don’t think there’s been anyone other than Thiago who did it the other way round.

You can't blame other players for Thiago's shortcomings. Those shortcomings weren't on the pitch though,they were off it. A poor signing overall for me and one which shouldn't have been made if the medical information was available. 

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21 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

You can't blame other players for Thiago's shortcomings. Those shortcomings weren't on the pitch though,they were off it. A poor signing overall for me and one which shouldn't have been made if the medical information was available. 

The numbers don’t lie, Thiago covered more ground and did more defensively during his time on the pitch than Henderson in 21/22 and 22/23. If he’d had the luxury of doing less of that, he might have got fewer injuries. 

It was always a weird fit for us I guess. A team relying on physical fitness with a less than stellar track record of managing injury prone players signing one of the most injury prone players available. No surprise we couldn’t improve his availability. 

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Yes, of course. It was generally against policy but Klopp wanted him and it wasn't some crazy expensive deal. 


Like 2 results go differently and he is a huge part of another league and Champions League title. Such are the margins in high level sport. Hindsight doesn't even come into it.

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2 hours ago, joe_fishfish said:

The numbers don’t lie, Thiago covered more ground and did more defensively during his time on the pitch than Henderson in 21/22 and 22/23. If he’d had the luxury of doing less of that, he might have got fewer injuries. 

It was always a weird fit for us I guess. A team relying on physical fitness with a less than stellar track record of managing injury prone players signing one of the most injury prone players available. No surprise we couldn’t improve his availability. 

he did more on the pitch in two years than Henderson did in 5.  He was one of the best players we’ve ever had, we just didn’t get to see him as much as we’d like. 

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