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Smooth whiskies/bourbons


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Buffalo Trace Kosher Rye

Is really nice, little bit spicier with it being rye. 


Four Rose bourbon

Either single barrel or small batch


Nikka from the barrel

Smaller bottle of 500ml to the normal 700. It's a bit sharper than other Japanese whiskey but worth a try


If your ever looking at a bit more try Dalmore cigar malt(though just seen its jump from £80 to £100 now)


Redbreast 12 is a really nice Irish whisky, far better than Jamesons, though it's made by the same company. It's a bit more these days in the mid £50s though I'd expect it on sale around Black friday/xmas. You could try Redbreast Lustrau which is often cheaper and is finished in a oloroso-sherry butt's


For anyone who doesn't know don't be put off by whisky/bourbon than has a heavier abv. Some of the smoothest whiskies I have had are Wild Turkey rare breed 58% and Stagg jnr 62% but you'll be lucky to find that these days


A bit left field but Armagnac can be really nice at a lower price. 



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6 minutes ago, SasaS said:

There is some really cheap Canadian whiskey which is easy to drink neat. Probably too crude for you though.


I've always fancied trying Canadian whiskey, and Japanese, problem with spirits in general is it's a risk to spend on something if you don't know if you'll like it.

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1 minute ago, Section_31 said:


I've always fancied trying Canadian whiskey, and Japanese, problem with spirits in general is it's a risk to spend on something if you don't know if you'll like it.

Japanese stuff is lovely but you said you didn’t want something that would go on fire or something. Really nice stuff but a sip every 5 minutes is enough. Her uncle always has a few bottles of it in. I feel asleep on his couch sweating like fuck after about 4 glasses of ‘Nikka from the Barrel’ 


If you want a nice whisky haze then here’s your winner. It’s in no way a session drink unless you’re Oliver Reed 



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11 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


I've always fancied trying Canadian whiskey, and Japanese, problem with spirits in general is it's a risk to spend on something if you don't know if you'll like it.


Japanese laws have made it a risk. As long as its bottled in Japan it can be called Japanese even if its rebooted in Japan. Though these rules have been due to change. Though the other issue has been them removing age statements from some bottles as Japanese stocks have been depleting quickly, especially after everyone started buying Japanese after Lost in Translation and Bill Murray drinking it. 



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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:

I'm in the market for a new pour but I like to drink it neat and don't want to retch of go on fire. What can people recommend?


My usual tipples are things like Abelour, McCallan 12 (when it's cheap in Tesco, which is hardly ever), Glenmorangie, Bushmills/Black Bush, Buffalo Trace, Maker's Mark, Bulleit, Gentleman Jack, Wild Turkey (the weaker one, not the 101 proof). 


I've tried a single glass of Woodford once but didn't care for it, unless it's a grower. I don't like peaty whiskies either, that Laphroaig stuff is quite horrific. 

Sounds like a boss excuse to go for a whisky tasting.


Bowmore small batch is a cracker

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19 hours ago, Section_31 said:


I've always fancied trying Canadian whiskey, and Japanese, problem with spirits in general is it's a risk to spend on something if you don't know if you'll like it.


I don't know, I can pick up a bottle of Canadian Special Old where I live for about ten quid, so it may be even cheaper in UK. I mean, it's really entry level and you would probably be excommunicated from the connoisseur community if someone catches you drinking something so lowly, but it's fairly mild and easy to drink neat. And won't set you back too much should you decide it's beneath you.

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On 25/11/2024 at 13:50, Section_31 said:

Plumped for some single malt Bushmills in the end and it's lovely, I could brush my teeth with that shit. 


Which one? I see their single malt 10 listed under 30 pounds in my neck of the woods. Tempted.


Is this better than the cheapest Jameson?

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