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Top 10 TV shows of all time?


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Here is something even more niche:


Favourite multi-camera (lough track / live studio audience) sitcoms (this one is dedicated to Numero)


Only Fools and Horses
Yes Minister / Prime Minister
You Rang M’Lord? (the most underrated British comedy ever)
Friends (first four seasons)
Will and Grace
Everybody Loves Raymond
King of Queens
Alf (guilty pleasure)
Partners (2011 one, with David Krumholtz, the most underrated sitcom in history, axed after 16 epoisodes)
Dear John (US and UK, a bit niche)



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4 hours ago, Numero Veinticinco said:

I did this with a group of friends a while back, but we tried to make our top fifty. I got 25 and an unordered list of others, plus a couple of disclaimers (a list of 'haven't seen or only partially seen' and 'can't remember, so will rewatch before listing'). Anyway, here's a half-sorted, not 100% (not sure I can ever get there because it's hard to compare certain shows) top 25. 



1. The West Wing

2. Six Feet Under

3. The Sopranos

4. Better Call Saul

5. Breaking Bad

6. Game of Thrones

7. Shogun

8. Band of Brothers

9. Hannibal

10. Mr. Inbetween

11. Battlestar Galactica

12. Entourage

13. Rick and Morty

14. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

15. The Shield

16. Lost

17. Spaced

18. Haunting of Hill House

19. Rome

20. Rescue Me

21. Fringe

22. Dexter

23. Blue Eyed Samurai

24. Fleabag

25. Lonesome Dove

25 shows and no mention of The Wire, that’s a neg. 

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17 minutes ago, SasaS said:

Here is something even more niche:


Favourite multi-camera (lough track / live studio audience) sitcoms (this one is dedicated to Numero)


Only Fools and Horses
Yes Minister / Prime Minister
You Rang M’Lord? (the most underrated British comedy ever)
Friends (first four seasons)
Will and Grace
Everybody Loves Raymond
King of Queens
Alf (guilty pleasure)
Partners (2011 one, with David Krumholtz, the most underrated sitcom in history, axed after 16 epoisodes)
Dear John (US and UK, a bit niche)



the british dear john was boss

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55 minutes ago, lifetime fan said:

25 shows and no mention of The Wire, that’s a neg. 


Well, I did say 'plus a couple of disclaimers (a list of 'haven't seen or only partially seen' and 'can't remember, so will rewatch before listing')'. That includes The Wire, which I've seen most of but didn't really enjoy so I need to rewatch and go again. I think it's way overrated, so it probably won't make it. Almost definitely won't be in my top ten, which is rock solid. 

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56 minutes ago, Numero Veinticinco said:


Well, I did say 'plus a couple of disclaimers (a list of 'haven't seen or only partially seen' and 'can't remember, so will rewatch before listing')'. That includes The Wire, which I've seen most of but didn't really enjoy so I need to rewatch and go again. I think it's way overrated, so it probably won't make it. Almost definitely won't be in my top ten, which is rock solid. 

I know we’ve spoken about the wore before and you said you struggled to get into it and thought it was overrated. 

I just wasn’t going to waste an opportunity to neg you. 

  • Haha 1
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50 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Across all genres and formats, my top 10 would be:



Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Red Dwarf (up to season 6)

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 



The Vietnam War (Ken Burns)

The Sopranos



Which Scooby-Doo, mate? Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!?

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I'm Alan Partridge

The Smell of Reeves & Mortimer 

Bang Bang with Reeves & Mortimer 

The Office (UK)

Curb Your Enthusiasm 

True Detective (Series 1 only)

The Sopranos


Father Ted

The Thick of It


I'm going to be cheeky and select Police Squad as my number 11.



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32 minutes ago, Tony Moanero said:

I haven’t seen Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!. I quite liked Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated but thought it lacked some of the charm of the original series.


Yeah, it was good but I think they were going for a teen audience with stuff like the relationship subplots and some darker moments. Be Cool is more humorous, and worth a watch if you can get past the zany art style. It's on ITVX if you're interested.

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