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David Coote


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The response to this from non-Liverpool fans has been disappointingly but expectedly tribal in nature. 

Coote was just voicing his opinion, apparently. He’s also entitled to not like certain teams and managers. 


The tribalism has took over the logic of many, who simply can’t (or refuse) to grasp how this incident totally destroys any integrity for Coote going forward. 

Going forward, how can he possibly referee/officiate in some role a Liverpool game or a gam where, the result of which, impacts on Liverpool? 

He can’t. He’s got to be done. Finished. 

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Hopefully they sack Coote and Coote then pulls the curtain down on it all.


I don’t care if it makes me sound like a crackpot.  Large swathes of people in this country have a disdain for scousers.  The lad Coote is in the video with is a prime example of it.  He’s probably never been to Liverpool and has no genuine interaction with someone from Liverpool but harbours this weird hatred for some reason.


There’s absolutely no reason for a gang of referees to try to consistently fuck Arsenal over or Newcastle or Villa or any other generic club.  The only club there could be an argument against is United because Ferguson bullied them for decades.  Then you just have to add in the fact that the majority of these referees come from Manchester where either side would prefer the other winning trophies over Liverpool.  We’ve just got to carry on pretending like this isn’t a problem though because there’s no alternative.


I’ve never thought foreign refs were the answer because they make even worse performances and decisions in Europe but at least that would largely take the bias out of it.

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3 hours ago, Aventus said:

It should be him done, but they're always going to look after each other, it's like asking the police to investigate themselves.


I had close to zero respect for them anyway, but this has finally confirmed the suspicions. 

you are probably right but i remember that they did Maddeley for an inappropriate comment so you never know.

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5 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

He's not said anything to imply dishonesty, just that he hates Klopp. Phil McNulty called us a cunt. These people have loves and hates and opinions. I'm just flabbergasted he allowed himself to be filmed saying it, quite astonishingly stupid.


The other lad says "We hate scousers" at the end. Now, he could be using 'we' as in the general population, but it's still not a good look.

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Not 100% on whoscored's dataset (think it's incomplete based on the transfermarkt data of games he's been in charge of; 8), but it seems that teams are very good at tackling us without giving away fouls according to David. Better against us than anyone else he's ever refereed, in fact... 


We're top 10 when you look at fouls/tackles by us.


Look how steep the distribution is after us as well. Almost like an anomaly. Only a handful of games, would need to have something to make you think there's actually anything untoward happening there...


@Scott_M you're a better analyst than me, any thoughts? Am my misinterpreting the stat? Confirmation bias on my part?




David Coote Referee Statistics



VAR games: 




Referee games: 




David Coote - Balance sheet at Liverpool FC matches (Detailed view) | Transfermarkt


As I mentioned earlier, only three games pre-Webb (Dec-22), and no VAR appearances after the Everton game until Howard came in. They need to have a chat with Mr Riley about that.


Not suggesting Mr Webb knew about this at all, just that the appointments before then clearly kept him away from us.

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9 minutes ago, Rushies tash said:


The other lad says "We hate scousers" at the end. Now, he could be using 'we' as in the general population, but it's still not a good look.


He's allowed to hate scousers though, as long as he doesn't let it influence how he does his job.

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A little Nottingham dickhead not old enough to have seen and remembered their good seasons and as a child watched us beat them to everything in the 80s and the 5-0 probably destroyed him. 


A face of a kid that definitely got bullied and had to play in goal everyday so became as ref at 14 for revenge



Probably a story for many of the gormless cunts

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