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David Coote


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50 minutes ago, magicrat said:

I can’t understand why he hasn’t resigned yet . It’s obvious he is done as a ref . He could probably get away with apologising for bringing the game into disrepute and say he’s getting treatment for his addiction. Gets a bit of sympathy and is yesterday’s news in a week 

Prick probably doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. 

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8 minutes ago, deiseach said:


Of course he doesn't. He's a referee.


The fact he was upset Klopp had a go at him for a mistake v Burnley and didn’t actually admit a mistake had been made (which it had, the guy slide in and got zero of the ball - VAR should have intervened really) says it all really.

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1 hour ago, magicrat said:

I can’t understand why he hasn’t resigned yet . It’s obvious he is done as a ref . He could probably get away with apologising for bringing the game into disrepute and say he’s getting treatment for his addiction. Gets a bit of sympathy and is yesterday’s news in a week 


This is exactly why I don't have any sympathy for him. 


His first reaction was to deny the video was real, then when he had it confirmed that it was he just said he didn't remember anything about it.


If he had any decency he would hold his hands up and apologise and resign.


Its one for the shitness of the modern world. Even when you get caught red handed you deny, then double down on it and refuse to accept any responsibility. 

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13 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


He's probably also got a skip full of dirt on the other refs so feels he has some leverage.

If he has then he could blow the gaff on them all in a fit of pique if he’s hung out to dry.

Problem then would be where does the PL find sufficient numbers of “proper” refs to get the games played? 
Abroad? In the I Zingari League? 
No, there’ll be some kind of agreement made where he’ll take one for the team but get his reward some other way.

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2 minutes ago, coachpotato said:

If he has then he could blow the gaff on them all in a fit of pique if he’s hung out to dry.

Problem then would be where does the PL find sufficient numbers of “proper” refs to get the games played? 
Abroad? In the I Zingari League? 
No, there’ll be some kind of agreement made where he’ll take one for the team but get his reward some other way.

Not a chance Taylor or Oliver have got got themselves into this position. The worst he could have is words but they go back to wives, not bare chested coke parties. 

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I would say it is crazy how this whole situation is being pivoted to being about one individual rather than the whole organisation, but then, this is the UK in the 21st century where post-truths exist.


It's clear that Coote has many issues (and not of What Car? magazine), and I would say that his coke-fuelled, topless videos are a part of his personality, but one where he feels he must keep up with the 'lads' of the group (of refs).  It is also obvious that he lacks a lot of personal judgement; could you imagine Oliver, Tierney, or the rest of the bald mafia allowing themselves to be filmed saying such things?


The timing and release of these videos is really fucking odd, just doesn't weigh up at all.  The thing is, the PGMOL (as we all know) isn't fit for purpose.  I've just had a look at their structure, and some of the retired refs are all on their payroll as 'referee coaches', 'Group One coaches'. etc.  It is literally a private members club for arseholes.  The FA (as much as we dislike them) should really be in charge of the referees, apart from Alan Shearer stamping on someone, was there as much controversy?



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4 minutes ago, Red_or_Dead said:

I would say it is crazy how this whole situation is being pivoted to being about one individual rather than the whole organisation, but then, this is the UK in the 21st century where post-truths exist.


It's clear that Coote has many issues (and not of What Car? magazine), and I would say that his coke-fuelled, topless videos are a part of his personality, but one where he feels he must keep up with the 'lads' of the group (of refs).  It is also obvious that he lacks a lot of personal judgement; could you imagine Oliver, Tierney, or the rest of the bald mafia allowing themselves to be filmed saying such things?


The timing and release of these videos is really fucking odd, just doesn't weigh up at all.  The thing is, the PGMOL (as we all know) isn't fit for purpose.  I've just had a look at their structure, and some of the retired refs are all on their payroll as 'referee coaches', 'Group One coaches'. etc.  It is literally a private members club for arseholes.  The FA (as much as we dislike them) should really be in charge of the referees, apart from Alan Shearer stamping on someone, was there as much controversy?



Has the irony been lost on everyone of a cokehead calling someone else an ‘arrogant cunt’? 

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8 hours ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

He wouldn’t be getting any support from non Liverpool fans if it was any other team. We all know this. Fuck up find fucking find out. Cunt.


Yup, it's been real telling that of my mates that unfortunately support United/Spurs etc. piped up today saying how they 'are bored of hearing about it', I full well know had it been any other team they'd be full on calling for his head. But hey, tribalism is one of the main reasons clubs like city and the real competent bunch at PGMOL know they can keep getting away with it.

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