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Aston Villa (H) - Sat 9th Nov 2024 (8:00pm)


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Just now, stringvest said:


I think Kelleher's decision making and distribution is better than Alisson's

They’re both brilliant.


For a club that seems to be reluctant to spend anything at all, bringing in the Georgian lad is absolutely baffling.


If Alisson goes, we surely already have our first choice.

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Well, the Chinese "accidentally" released that virus the last time to try and stop us! What's the betting that the cheetoh mussolini will nuke Iran when we're 25 clear with 8 games to go?

Now, we're not the blues and we all realise that the poor Iranians will be a bit worse off if that happens, unlike world war 2s real victims, the senior club in the city, and stopped them winning 8 league's in a row.

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Just now, Rushies tash said:

Emery interviewed there didn't think we had clear chances. Fucking hell.


Yep, that was the moment I turned the stream off. I had a little chuckle at that. Not sure what he was watching, but it wasn't the same game as me. Or you. Or people with eyes. 

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1 minute ago, 3 Stacks said:

On the performance, I thought it bordered on being a little too control-y and game-manage-y, but Villa didn't press whatsoever, so it's hard to just go at them. And then we out-tacticed them on the set-pieces.

Yeah Villa never came out even after a goal down . Got the impression they were hoping to snatch a goal from a set piece. Loved that we were patient and generally looked after the ball.

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Thought we played it about right. If a team wants to sit off us even though we're a goal up then we'll stroll about. When they finally opened up it was an old-school Klopp slugfest where we back ourselves to hurt teams by transitioning quickly into the space left.


It's interesting to note how our distance stats are now pretty even with our opponents. That should help us maintain our levels later in the season, rather than seeing players hit the wall with half a dozen games to go.

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