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US Election Thread 2024


2024 US Election  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want to win?

  2. 2. Who do you think will win?

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1 hour ago, Captain Turdseye said:

The gunmen have been shite so far. The CIA are gonna have to up their game considerably. 

The MAGA train rolls on while he can still weave so brilliantly. 


If the CIA need him taking out I’m open for private contracting. £250k in an offshore account.



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Just watched a news segment discussing the respective campaigns’ ground game In Pennsylvania.


Harris had 800,000 door knocks in just one day, while Trumptons were nowhere to be seen. He outsourced his ground game in the state to Elon. Looks like Elon’s RiS’d it up.

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10 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:

All three of them need to be fed through a woodchipper.

Drumpf would block it up, Elon would try and make it electric and look like a Delorean on steroids and RFK would see if he can eat it. 

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3 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Joe Rogan endorses Trump after listening to Musk who he thinks humanity would be fucked without! he believes anything that guy.

As a massive MMA fan, I think this is a great endorsement for showing the long term health effects of doing the sport. Rogan, Gaethje, Usman are just a few of the fuckwits I've gone to dislike over the last few years.

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