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US Election Thread 2024


2024 US Election  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want to win?

  2. 2. Who do you think will win?

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4 minutes ago, Kevin D said:

Hadn’t considered the possibility that Trump could lose and still likely win the Republican nomination in 2028.

His mind is addled now what the hell will he be like in 4 years. If he lost I'd expect him to face the consequences of his crimes. Still what odds would you give on his daughter being the candidate one day.

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2 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

His mind is addled now what the hell will he be like in 4 years. If he lost I'd expect him to face the consequences of his crimes. Still what odds would you give on his daughter being the candidate one day.

I think if he loses and gets convicted, Harris will pardon him in the name of bipartisanship and moving on. 

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Just now, Kevin D said:

I think if he loses and gets convicted, Harris will pardon him in the name of bipartisanship and moving on. 

Justice doesn't apply to the rich then. Mind you a leader can have a Journalist chopped into tiny pieces and the rest of the world leaders shrug their shoulders and say "but they've got loads of money and we like money"

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On 03/11/2024 at 16:07, Pete said:

Him, Superman (from 90s tv), Hercules, Frasier Crane, Reg Barclay/HM Murdock, Ted Nugent.  All folks who I enjoyed watching/listening to lost to the cult. 


Xena was always miles better than Hercules anyway.


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39 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

No way he's gonna win now, I'm convinced of it, in fact I think he'll get trounced. 

I think because I look up Trump, the mad shit and memes way way more than I'd even think about looking up Harris that Algorithms send even more Trump stuff my way, all his supporter stuff and the Maga lunatics content so it's easy to be convinced that of course Trump is going to win he's everywhere constantly and everybody over there loves him.

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3 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

His mind is addled now what the hell will he be like in 4 years. If he lost I'd expect him to face the consequences of his crimes. Still what odds would you give on his daughter being the candidate one day.


He wins tomorrow and if he can't force a change of maximum 2 terms he will be setting her up for the next 2

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Absolutely zero chance Ivanka runs as a Republican candidate. She'd have none of the support her cunt of a dad has from the bigoted hick base. She might be a capitalist, but socially she's a liberal. 


She'd actually stand a better chance as a Dem if it weren't for her surname.


If he's setting anyone up it'll be Don or Eric.

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