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US Election Thread 2024


2024 US Election  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want to win?

  2. 2. Who do you think will win?

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23 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:


Screen Shot 2024-12-03 at 9.06.45 AM.png


Also confirmed by the popular vote swing people are often forgetting / neglecting to mention when analyzing.  Yes, she would have won if she had won this or that that particular county, but it would have to be done in the overall climate of leaning towards Republicans. So, unlikely.

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3 minutes ago, SasaS said:


Also confirmed by the popular vote swing people are often forgetting / neglecting to mention when analyzing.  Yes, she would have won if she had won this or that that particular county, but it would have to be done in the overall climate of leaning towards Republicans. So, unlikely.


Yeah there's no skirting around it, I don't know why anyone would try to, she lost and the madman won. That's what the voters wanted. I don't know why, but then I'm not them - thankfully. 

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12 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


Yeah there's no skirting around it, I don't know why anyone would try to, she lost and the madman won. That's what the voters wanted. I don't know why, but then I'm not them - thankfully. 


We have got the same issue festering here. Younger men are gravitating towards Reform. The 'bro vote' as they are calling it. 

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45 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


Yeah there's no skirting around it, I don't know why anyone would try to, she lost and the madman won. That's what the voters wanted. I don't know why, but then I'm not them - thankfully. 

I'm by no means an expert, but from talking to folks I know in the US, they all mentioned that Trump, amongst a lot of other things, was also mentioning how to put more money in the pocket of the average person and Harris didn't even acknowledge it was a thing to worry about. When asked she even half tried to skirt around the issue. Lots of people in the US that is significantly worse off now than they were when Biden came to power, mainly because the increased inflation wasn't followed by higher take home pay, so ultimately they lose out. The normal person wanted them to outline how they would get more take home pay. Trump talked about it, Harris didn't.

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the increased inflation wasn't followed by higher take home pay



The irony is Covid took Trump out of office and long Covid brought him back in.


The stark reality is there are large blocks of folks (of both sexes) that are more comfortable voting for a man and large blocks of POC that are more comfortable voting for a white person. 

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

Yeah there's no skirting around it, I don't know why anyone would try to, she lost and the madman won. That's what the voters wanted. I don't know why, but then I'm not them - thankfully. 


I mentioned a few weeks ago, the Trump campaign's most successful ads were the ones that simply showed footage of Harris proudly supporting the policy of gender reassignment surgery for prisoners. It turns out that most people place a higher priority on better paid jobs and a lower cost of living than they do on sex changes for convicted criminals, and it was devastating for her.

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1 minute ago, Strontium said:


I mentioned a few weeks ago, the Trump campaign's most successful ads were the ones that simply showed footage of Harris proudly supporting the policy of gender reassignment surgery for prisoners. It turns out that most people place a higher priority on better paid jobs and a lower cost of living than they do on sex changes for convicted criminals, and it was devastating for her.

trump is unlikely to provide that but I see your point

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I think Trump won for the reasons populists often win, he's able to promise simple solutions to complex problems with no intention of delivering them, or idea of how.


It's an unfair fight. 


Harris can't promise to bring the price of things lower because many of causes are outside of her control, but then Trump jumps in and says "I'll bring the price of gas down on day one, we'll have big, beautiful gas, like we've never seen before."


It's like having estranged parents and one offers to take you to Blackpool and does, but the other offers to take you to Disneyland but never does.


After a while, even as a kid with hope in your heart, you start to call bullshit. 


Sadly the American public haven't. We don't here either, Farage landed brexit on us and, despite the evidence of their eyes and ears, people would still entrust him with leading the country.


With both these cunts, and Johnson, the evidence for what they'll be like is everywhere, so if you fall for it you're a thick, lazy bastard. I've got no problem and saying so. Fuck em. Just a shame they've got to drag the rest of us down too.

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Dunno where to put this, but I reckon it sort of ties in, angry people not happy with their gaff.




Could be a disgruntled customer or family member of someone who they’ve fucked over? Or he has some dirt on someone. Apparently the shooter waiting 10 minutes for him so seems targeted for sure. 

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Dozens of chief security officers from Fortune 500 corporations around the world joined a video call on Wednesday afternoon, hours after the fatal shooting of the UnitedHealthcare C.E.O. Brian Thompson in Midtown Manhattan, to discuss additional protective measures for executives moving around the area, according to a security expert who participated in the conversation.

The discussion included best practices and reviews of executive protection programs, according to the expert, Dave Komendat, a retired chief security officer at Boeing and president of DSKomendat Risk Management Services, a consultancy based in the Seattle area. He said that all of the security officers on the video call were facing upper-echelon requests for presentations on the current state of their security programs and scrutinizing their own practices.


Panic in the (Wall) Streets

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4 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Could be a disgruntled customer or family member of someone who they’ve fucked over? Or he has some dirt on someone. Apparently the shooter waiting 10 minutes for him so seems targeted for sure. 



My guess is  when/if he's caught it'll be a family member or person who's life's been fuckrd over when they'd denied coverage for something major

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4 hours ago, Lee909 said:



My guess is  when/if he's caught it'll be a family member or person who's life's been fuckrd over when they'd denied coverage for something major

Apparently he wrote the words deny, defend, depose on the bulletin casings. 

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15 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Dunno where to put this, but I reckon it sort of ties in, angry people not happy with their gaff.




The epitome of ‘chat shit, get banged’. I don’t normally agree with violence but this one might make a few of the pricks consider there could be repercussions to fucking people over now. 

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