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US Election Thread 2024


2024 US Election  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want to win?

  2. 2. Who do you think will win?

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24 minutes ago, Pete said:

So Hulk Hogan struggled to rip his shirt off for free then?? 

Mate they’re just like Tories. Everything’s a conspiracy despite them doing the exact same thing. Mind you that cunt screams MAGA the fake tanned racist twat. Another hero from my childhood lost to the depths of cuntism. 

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3 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Mate they’re just like Tories. Everything’s a conspiracy despite them doing the exact same thing. Mind you that cunt screams MAGA the fake tanned racist twat. Another hero from my childhood lost to the depths of cuntism. 

Him, Superman (from 90s tv), Hercules, Frasier Crane, Reg Barclay/HM Murdock, Ted Nugent.  All folks who I enjoyed watching/listening to lost to the cult. 

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On 24/10/2024 at 12:10, Jairzinho said:

Yes, obviously would prefer Harris to win but she's a fucking dreadful candidate and Trump will win. It's as if the Democrats try and find the shittest possible opponent for Trump.

In 2016 The Daily Show pointed out that the biggest thing Trump and Clinton had in their favour is that they were each facing the only candidate they could possibly beat.


Same again?

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Interesting piece on the US Grauniad website, about the US cost of living. While the economy is strong, inflation fuelled during Covid has left may Americans unable to do anything other than work to eat. Interesting to see that some have noted the growth in homelessness and that trickle down economics isn't working.


The whole western economic free-market system needs a rethink. There are to many people at the bottom being squeezed for people at the top.



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10 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Interesting piece on the US Grauniad website, about the US cost of living. While the economy is strong, inflation fuelled during Covid has left may Americans unable to do anything other than work to eat. Interesting to see that some have noted the growth in homelessness and that trickle down economics isn't working.


The whole western economic free-market system needs a rethink. There are to many people at the bottom being squeezed for people at the top.




Finland now FFS.




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