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US Election Thread 2024


2024 US Election  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want to win?

  2. 2. Who do you think will win?

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14 minutes ago, Pete said:

How is she dreadful? And if she is dreadful what the fuck is drumpf?  


What? Why would you possibly think I wrote it as a defence of Trump? I sincerly hope Trump dies within the next 12 nanoseconds.


But Harris is an awkward, charisma free, uninspiring Democrat.


You can talk about the media's horrendous influence on politics and I would, obviously, entirely agree. But you aren't forced as the opposition to fascist loons to put up some of the dullest fucking cunts to have walked the earth. It's not exactly fucking Kennedy or Obama, is it?

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12 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


What? Why would you possibly think I wrote it as a defence of Trump? I sincerly hope Trump dies within the next 12 nanoseconds.


But Harris is an awkward, charisma free, uninspiring Democrat.


You can talk about the media's horrendous influence on politics and I would, obviously, entirely agree. But you aren't forced as the opposition to fascist loons to put up some of the dullest fucking cunts to have walked the earth. It's not exactly fucking Kennedy or Obama, is it?

Racist prick. 12 nonoseconds fucking 12? Blocked and reported 

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16 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


What? Why would you possibly think I wrote it as a defence of Trump? I sincerly hope Trump dies within the next 12 nanoseconds.


But Harris is an awkward, charisma free, uninspiring Democrat.


You can talk about the media's horrendous influence on politics and I would, obviously, entirely agree. But you aren't forced as the opposition to fascist loons to put up some of the dullest fucking cunts to have walked the earth. It's not exactly fucking Kennedy or Obama, is it?

She's running for POTUS though.  Not spinning plates, whilst juggling chainsaws and eating fire & she seems quite charismatic to me. 
Being awkward will improve in time if she's victorious (shes way better now than she was in July/August).  I'd rather have a dull cunt who does the actually job they're meant to rather than some charlatan mob boss using it as way to get out of jail and punish those he doesn't like, as a five year old would. 

I wouldn't give a fuck who they vote for if it wasn't for global/climate implications. If they think the orange shitstain as POtuS is good for them, then screw them, you reap what you sow.  Me? I'd like a planet that's not hurtling to it's own self made destruction, for everyone decent an who has kids.   But hey some folks don't like the awkward, charisma free, uninspiring Democrat.  Fair enough. 

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11 minutes ago, Pete said:

She's running for POTUS though.  Not spinning plates, whilst juggling chainsaws and eating fire & she seems quite charismatic to me. 
Being awkward will improve in time if she's victorious (shes way better now than she was in July/August).  I'd rather have a dull cunt who does the actually job they're meant to rather than some charlatan mob boss using it as way to get out of jail and punish those he doesn't like, as a five year old would. 

I wouldn't give a fuck who they vote for if it wasn't for global/climate implications. If they think the orange shitstain as POtuS is good for them, then screw them, you reap what you sow.  Me? I'd like a planet that's not hurtling to it's own self made destruction, for everyone decent an who has kids.   But hey some folks don't like the awkward, charisma free, uninspiring Democrat.  Fair enough. 


Oh, I wouldn't. I want Trump to win. Fucking hell.


Seriously, am I being trolled here? You keep responding as if I'm either advocating for her opponent, or that I personally require the leader to be charismatic in order for me to vote for them.


I don't give a fuck if she's the dullest human on the planet. I'm obviously not even voting in the US. I am talking about what appeals to voters, precisely because of the effect of the media, the education system, and politics in general. 


The Democratic leader should be appealling to far more people than they currently are, especially when they are up against that horrendous lump of shite.


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1 minute ago, Jairzinho said:


Oh, I wouldn't. I want Trump to win. Fucking hell.


Seriously, am I being trolled here? You keep responding as if I'm either advocating for her opponent, or that I personally require the leader to be charismatic in order for me to vote for them.


I don't give a fuck if she's the dullest human on the planet. I'm obviously not even voting in the US. I am talking about what appeals to voters, precisely because of the effect of the media, the education system, and politics in general. 


Fair enough.  

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3 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


Oh, I wouldn't. I want Trump to win. Fucking hell.


Seriously, am I being trolled here? You keep responding as if I'm either advocating for her opponent, or that I personally require the leader to be charismatic in order for me to vote for them.


I don't give a fuck if she's the dullest human on the planet. I'm obviously not even voting in the US. I am talking about what appeals to voters, precisely because of the effect of the media, the education system, and politics in general. 


The Democratic leader should be appealling to far more people than they currently are, especially when they are up against that horrendous lump of shite.


You defo voted Boris you 

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10 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:

I share the same fears as you Pete. The US public will vote in Trump, and the world will hurtle further towards climate catastrophe.

Yeah, this is what scares the shit out of me.   To have someone so ignorant and blatantly corrupt in charge of  the self proclaimed greatest country in the world (that was ironically developed by immigrants) as the climate gets steadily worse is terrifying.

It's late October and I'm still in shorts and t shirts.  The heating only goes on when the Mrs gets home and the winter bedding shows no sign of making an appearance.   Fucking dumbass yanks.   

ETA: I see Turdseye has voted!

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1 hour ago, skend04 said:


Everyone keeps saying this but the fact is that politicians and the media have successfully managed to split a number of western populations in half, along the lines of their politics. You could literally put up an Obama for the Dems in 2024 and still half the country would vote for a senile Trump. People aren't looking for sensible politicians, they are voting to rub other voters faces in a loss for the next 4 years.


Obama would beat Trump pretty comfortably. As well as being smarter, he’s simply a much better politician.

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44 minutes ago, M_B said:

He's going to win it sadly.


Ukraine is fucked and Starmer will have 4 years of trying to avoid him.

Just the 4?  First thing he'll do is look to abolish the four year term.

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Have said before though the story isn't Trump (nor is it Farage or Johnson) it's that people put them there in the first place. 


There's an enemy within and it's growing like fungus. It doesn't have class, colour or gender boundaries - they're just united by being stupid. Thick, malleable, stupid cunts. 


When the village idiot was just an idiot they posed no danger when they advocated salting crops or what not, but social media has allowed them all to connect with each other like a thick bastards version of the Borg.


They shout louder than us, they push harder than us, and they rely on our civility and tolerance to get away with doing what they want.


The minute we push back (such as jailing them after the recent riots) they scurry away like rats and put copy and paste disclaimers onto their Twitter feeds and yap about the Magna Carter.


We need an absolute WAR on disinformation, grifter culture and the abuse of social media. We need to give Ofcom and IPSO real teeth, we need to call it out and put this genie back in the bottle - or, whether it's climate change, covid denial or any other amount of stupid shit, they will - literally - be the death of us all. 

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2 minutes ago, Pete said:

Just the 4?  First thing he'll do is look to abolish the four year term.

And ban the release of the Epstein files. And bin all his alleged felonies. And make shagging your daughter legal in Florida (imagine how empty the jails would be) 

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Just now, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Say what you like about Trump, but witnessing the storming of the Capitol Building was fucking amazing. I had my tea all ready and a cold cider on the side, then watched it all unfold. A damn near perfect evening.

It really was fucking mental. Loads of them were flying a flag that a certain liberal poster on here had as his avatar for a while. It’s also a flag that was flown by confederation forces. You know the ones who wanted to maintain slavery and fought against abolishing it. Food for thought. 

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