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9 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

Have you contacted them? 

Does that speed things up? I ordered 2 bits on the 17th of November and no sign of it being shipped. Last order took 12 days in transit which means it has to be shipped in the next week or so or things will be get very sketchy in the build up to Christmas. 

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1 hour ago, No2 said:

Does that speed things up? I ordered 2 bits on the 17th of November and no sign of it being shipped. Last order took 12 days in transit which means it has to be shipped in the next week or so or things will be get very sketchy in the build up to Christmas. 

They're illegal goods coming from china. They may have just been taken by customs and if they were shipped long ago enough and you don't have them (just do track the parcels), I'd expect them to ship another. It's unlikely to make it quicker, it might help it actually arrive. 

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2 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

I've used this in the past and they've always responded. jjsport24@gmail.com

I’ve just checked the delivery status again and it’s a Christmas miracle!!! The little one will have probably grown out of it before she even got it with the rate she is growing at.




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33 minutes ago, Fugitive said:

Yeah, about four times but I’ve not heard anything back. They don’t give a fuck, it’s not like I can actually complain to anyone about buying dodgy kits.


Whatever you do don't ask Gloria Hunniford and Angela Rippon to help,  the bitches sent my name to the rozzers.

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Is it just me that's irrationally annoyed by the liver bird being wrong on that crest?


Ir shouldn't be the new, perfect design proportions stylised bird. If you're using the old crest, use the old crest. Skinny bird included.


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2 hours ago, Bob said:

Is it just me that's irrationally annoyed by the liver bird being wrong on that crest?


Ir shouldn't be the new, perfect design proportions stylised bird. If you're using the old crest, use the old crest. Skinny bird included.


Agree but if you look at the kits from 1989 say it wasn't the bird you have posted above even then....



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2 minutes ago, Bob said:

Well, that's really ruined my fucking day.


Piss off.




I can only apologise and hope that in the fullness of time you can forgive and forget pal - in the meantime have a pic of what a Liverpool away kit should look like being worn by the king as a peace offering.





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3 hours ago, Fugitive said:

They are sending me replacements out which should arrive just in time for next season.


If anyone knows anyone who wants an away and 3rd kit for someone around the age of 3-5 with the name Bailey 4 on the back of them, let me know. You can have them.

I'll have them if we sign Leon Bailey from Aston Villa.

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