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This contracts situation


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6 minutes ago, johnsusername said:

What a fucking shambles. 


Can't wait til next season without Virg, Mo and Trent, with Ali looking on pissed off.





We've just leathered the mancs 3-0 at the toilet.


Maybe, just maybe enjoy that for a bit instead of starting this thread right now....

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3 minutes ago, TheDrowningMan said:

Can someone list some instances of elite, world class players signing new deals into the final year of their contract, because I can't recall it happening very often? It seems a forgone conclusion that the three of them are leaving.


Mbappe and Salah both signed with a year left

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3 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

Sounds like Mo maybe doesn't want to discuss it during the season. We should be getting this shit done during the internationals, not a better time after the start




That the smart, saavy and admirable thing to do for all concerned.


Well, it would have been had he said that.

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I feel like people get so offended by the contract stuff. You can agree or disagree, but if people at the club feel like van Dijk or Salah are going to be too expensive at their ages, that's just a business decision, it's not an insult.


Trent is a different situation, though.

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The idea we shouldn’t pay them because they might decline is nonsense with the Saudis about


We could offer both 3 year deals and even if in year 2 they start to decline the Saudis would want both, even if you only get smaller fees they'd take them on and pay their wages. 

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They’re clearing using the Henderson situation to justify this to themselves.  They’re trying to be clever and take the emotion out of it.  Both of them are outliers though clearly.  Salah is absolutely producing constantly.  Van Dijk looks imperious as well.  Take away the fact they might fall off a bit in the coming years but that’s ignoring the standards they’re setting and the examples they are making behind the scenes.


It’s catastrophically stupid to let them walk away.  I don’t for one second think there’s some sort of stand off over wages either.  I genuinely think the club are just not even addressing it with them.

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