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Man Utd (A) - Sun 1st Sep 2024 (4:00pm)


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Yup. I do think under Klopp we a bit too often played into their hands by playing to their biggest strengths which is the counter attack. The other side of that is if we where just a bit more clinical as we had been in some games against them it wouldn't of mattered. That's the high risk high reward Klopp style that won us everything and added 10 unnatural years to our lives. On paper we are just better than them as it stands but at Old Trafford that's completely irrelevant. It really is a game in isolation I don't think any result tells us about the rest of the season for us or them. I'm glad it's out the way early and before they have Ugarte to fill in those gaps.

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I think the lack of Klopp's blood and thunder approach could be a benefit at places like Old Trafford & Woodison. Slot's more controlled methods could see a less stressful encounter.


I think we win 2-0 with a high level of control, restricting them to a small number of half chances.

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On 27/08/2024 at 23:45, AngryOfTuebrook said:

It's them.


I want to destroy them. I want them pulverised. I want to see them cry. I want to see them vomit. I want to see them soil themselves. I want to traumatise them.  I want them humiliated so badly that their families disown them.  I want this defeat to become a story that Mancs tell to scare their children generations from now. I want us to score more goals than them.


Just get these beat, Reds.

İt's all about you. Me me me me.

I concur.

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32 minutes ago, Spy Bee said:

I think the lack of Klopp's blood and thunder approach could be a benefit at places like Old Trafford & Woodison. Slot's more controlled methods could see a less stressful encounter.


I think we win 2-0 with a high level of control, restricting them to a small number of half chances.

I think we may win, I reckon we concede though.

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5 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Yup. I do think under Klopp we a bit too often played into their hands by playing to their biggest strengths which is the counter attack. The other side of that is if we where just a bit more clinical as we had been in some games against them it wouldn't of mattered. That's the high risk high reward Klopp style that won us everything and added 10 unnatural years to our lives. On paper we are just better than them as it stands but at Old Trafford that's completely irrelevant. It really is a game in isolation I don't think any result tells us about the rest of the season for us or them. I'm glad it's out the way early and before they have Ugarte to fill in those gaps.

Spot on. Current version of them can beat any of the top teams, including City, but due to their lack of structure, balance and tactical quality they’ll fail to beat poorer teams consistently.



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1 hour ago, Le Duan said:

For some reason I have a sense of dread about this. I can feel it in my water. I hope it proves to be unfounded.

Could be a good sign. We’ve seen loads over the years a shit load of over confidence. As they’re supposedly shit. They aren’t shit or anywhere near shit. 

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