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Welcome to Liverpool, Federico Chiesa


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On 05/12/2024 at 10:50, Binomial said:


That can be said for 99% of our youngsters for the last 150 years. 90% of them are comprised of local lads who either retire by the time they're 25 or are playing non league football somewhere. Our scouting needs a lot of work, especially overseas. 


Doesn't look like Arne is in any rush to get any of the youngsters on the pitch anytime soon. 


If Nyoni and someone like Ngumoha make it in the next 18-24 months then it's another 2 to add onto Kelleher, Quansah, Bradley, Jones etc.....it's not the worst success rate ever from academy to first team.


I think our academy does fine. The level is that high that you can't expect the squad packed with local lads. We currently have a top class lad who's won it all and who the world's biggest club wants and another lad who's on the very edges of being a regular and has 150 games behind him. Add that to to the poaching we've done of young lads over the years who've either made us money (sterling for example) or gone well (currently Harvey) and all the cracking lads who've come through, Gerrard, carra, Fowler, mcmanaman, Owen (who was a balon d'or winner here), I think our academy can be proud of what it's achieved. Before that bobs and bills teams were full of local lads. 

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On 05/12/2024 at 10:50, Binomial said:


That can be said for 99% of our youngsters for the last 150 years. 90% of them are comprised of local lads who either retire by the time they're 25 or are playing non league football somewhere. Our scouting needs a lot of work, especially overseas. 


Doesn't look like Arne is in any rush to get any of the youngsters on the pitch anytime soon. 


If Nyoni and someone like Ngumoha make it in the next 18-24 months then it's another 2 to add onto Kelleher, Quansah, Bradley, Jones etc.....it's not the worst success rate ever from academy to first team.

It's a LOT better than it ever has been tbf. We get it right these days and I think clubs treat kids well compared to the early academy days. In terms of overseas scouting for academy level players, can't do that anymore after the new rules after Brexit so they tend to look at the likes of Ireland and Scotland.

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On 06/12/2024 at 12:36, Barrington Womble said:


I think our academy does fine. The level is that high that you can't expect the squad packed with local lads. We currently have a top class lad who's won it all and who the world's biggest club wants and another lad who's on the very edges of being a regular and has 150 games behind him. Add that to to the poaching we've done of young lads over the years who've either made us money (sterling for example) or gone well (currently Harvey) and all the cracking lads who've come through, Gerrard, carra, Fowler, mcmanaman, Owen (who was a balon d'or winner here), I think our academy can be proud of what it's achieved. Before that bobs and bills teams were full of local lads. 


Our academy develops players for the senior squad quite well, but we're still not quite where we should be for the others (although we've gotten much better). City seems to be the opposite, they make good pro level players, but not many of them seem to improve massively after they leave. They get more players closer to their peak potential and then make good money off them. I wonder if part of that is related to the team, Utd and Liverpool graduates set their hearts on making it here and fall off after leaving, City academy players are there for professional development, want to make the team, but probably care little about the club really.


Nyoni and Doak are going to be good players somewhere, hopefully things work out for them here, but who knows. Koumas and Danns look well set from a more local perspective. I was a fan of Clark too, but it was a good offer to be fair. Also easy to overlook McConnell, but he's a good player already, it's just a matter of physical development for him. 

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Considering how tight we are with money, I don't understand how we committed at least £30 million in fees and wages to this crock.


If he can't handle the pace of training imagine what's going to happen if he actually has to play a few Premier League games? It's one thing playing walking football in Italy but it was madness to bring him here when Juventus were absolutely desperate to get rid of him.


When signing any player, one of the top things we should be looking at is durability for the English league.

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12 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:

Considering how tight we are with money, I don't understand how we committed at least £30 million in fees and wages to this crock.


If he can't handle the pace of training imagine what's going to happen if he actually has to play a few Premier League games? It's one thing playing walking football in Italy but it was madness to bring him here when Juventus were absolutely desperate to get rid of him.


When signing any player, one of the top things we should be looking at is durability for the English league.

Listen, it was low risk, bargain, high ceiling, no brainer, etc, etc, etc... name all the cliches and platitudes you want.

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