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Oasis - Reform


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7 hours ago, manwiththestick said:

I went on the Saturday, it was great. I remember sitting in a beer garden of a pub which was on the corner of a junction near the ground, I don't think it's there anymore. The pub was heaving hours before the gates opened and it was a really sunny day so I was half pissed before getting in the ground. The Manics(I was big fan and didn't know they were on)and Ocean Colour Scence supporting. 


Made it home to my local discotheque afterwards with my gig programme in my arse pocket to meet some girl I was seeing at the time.


A great day all round for my 19 year old self.

Young cunt. 

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16 hours ago, Mook said:


This reminds me, I went to see Oasis at Sheffield Arena in April '95. Other than Slide Away & Live Forever, I never thought much of them and only went because a few of my mates were going & it was an adventure.


I can't remember much about it tbh but just Googled it and apparently it was Tony McCarroll's last gig.

I was there too. Verve were supposed to support but they split up the night before, so pulp were the surprise guests and were absolutely brilliant. Also, I did a LOT of speed.

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1 minute ago, sh#t waffle said:

I was there too. Verve were supposed to support but they split up the night before, so pulp were the surprise guests and were absolutely brilliant. Also, I did a LOT of speed.


We met a group of Liverpool supporters in the pub before the gig so you never know. I'm sure one of them was helping me get pints (I was 16 but looked about 14).

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Not as good as the set list I posted a few pages back, not bad though. Sags in the middle. 

Piss & bar break during  Importance Of Being Idle & Half The World Away.


Hopefully Shakermaker & She’s Electric get dropped for something else. 



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Has this got every album apart from SOTSOG & Dig Out Your Soul accounted for? 

Can understand SOTSOG being missed off, stick in Shock Of The Lightening early doors instead of Shakermaker.


Also, can’t see them playing She’s Electric. Apart from Hey Now, it’s the least played song live from Morning Glory, I’d assume Roll With It will be supersede it.

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1 hour ago, redheart said:

Do they not do Wonderwall live ?



They should play Stay Young and change the lyrics to include Liam's new hip

Didn’t realise it wasn’t there. They’ll definitely be playing it.

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2 hours ago, Scott_M said:

Has this got every album apart from SOTSOG & Dig Out Your Soul accounted for? 

Can understand SOTSOG being missed off, stick in Shock Of The Lightening early doors instead of Shakermaker.


Also, can’t see them playing She’s Electric. Apart from Hey Now, it’s the least played song live from Morning Glory, I’d assume Roll With It will be supersede it.

shes electric is the worst song they did

I like where did it all go wrong and roll with it, but probably not great live songs

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1 minute ago, Arniepie said:

shes electric is the worst song they did

I like where did it all go wrong and roll with it, but probably not great live songs

Roll With It is a decent live tune, it’s better live than on the record. 

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14 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

shes electric is the worst song they did

I like where did it all go wrong and roll with it, but probably not great live songs


She's Electric is superb you heathen. Roll With It is great live 

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I know they arent famed for the complexity of their lyrics..but fuck me


She's got a brother (a brother) We don't get on with one another But I quite fancy her mother And I think that she likes me
She's got a cousin (a cousin) In fact, she's got 'bout a dozen (a dozen) She's got one in the oven (oven) But it's nothing to do with me
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On 17/10/2024 at 18:03, Chris said:

Stop Crying Your Fucking Heart Out is easily the worst song they ever released as a single. Absolutely brutal interminable dirge. Genuinely feels like it's being played in slow motion.

That clip of that absolute gonk singing it at someone's funeral made me appreciate it finally, but only in a comedic way

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