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Oasis - Reform


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On 12/09/2024 at 14:16, Bjornebye said:

Imagine listening to Live Forever, Slide Away, Talk Tonight, The Masterplan …. And saying Oasis are shit hahaha fucking pot head Radiohead gimps shite live band. So are Oasis to be fair it’s just carnage. 

Liam is a cunt. Tries to be Lennon with less than 1% of his wit, and Lydon with less than 1% of his intelligence. A tiresome cunt,

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Liam's an eloquent fucker I must say. His responses to the completely justified critics of that "performance" last night include:



"I love the haters I hope I wreck there (sic) face"




What a thick, talentless manc prick. Looking forward to the thousands who've been conned out of hundreds of quid bitching about him next year, the poor gullible fuckers. 



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8 minutes ago, Lurtz said:

Liam's an eloquent fucker I must say. His responses to the completely justified critics of that "performance" last night include:



"I love the haters I hope I wreck there (sic) face"




What a thick, talentless manc prick. Looking forward to the thousands who've been conned out of hundreds of quid bitching about him next year, the poor gullible fuckers. 




Has he ever said a good word about anyone?


I keep getting current pictures of him sticking the v's up at someone and gobbing off.


He's like the Bernard Manning of Pop music.

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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:

Always the ones who hate them the most can’t stop fucking talking about them. 

That’s power. 


I despise the plagiarising manc twats but I'm very capable of ignoring him. Just thought I'd add that bit I saw in an article for, you know, context. Liam fucking Gallagher does not have "power". He's a manc twat with a mental age of 14. The man is a fucking joke. 

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8 minutes ago, Lurtz said:


I despise the plagiarising manc twats but I'm very capable of ignoring him. Just thought I'd add that bit I saw in an article for, you know, context. Liam fucking Gallagher does not have "power". He's a manc twat with a mental age of 14. The man is a fucking joke. 

Ok mate. 

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4 hours ago, Code said:

This is a reunion Id pay a lot f money to see.


I have seen Roger Waters live twice, but never Pink Floyd or Gilmour.



Wrong thread 


Its like me saying I’ve seen Carlitos Way but I prefer Blood Diamond on the Breakfast thread 

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The other cities they are allegedly playing in 2025.





I assume the US dates are stadiums, I’m surprised they are deemed big enough to sell out the >70k venues. 

Probably easier to get a ticket for them than the UK dates were. My wife’s cousin lives a couple of hours from Boston, feels doable.

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40 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

The other cities they are allegedly playing in 2025.





I assume the US dates are stadiums, I’m surprised they are deemed big enough to sell out the >70k venues. 

Probably easier to get a ticket for them than the UK dates were. My wife’s cousin lives a couple of hours from Boston, feels doable.

I hope your wife doesn't read your opinion on her cousin.

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On 27/09/2024 at 07:46, Scott_M said:

The other cities they are allegedly playing in 2025.





I assume the US dates are stadiums, I’m surprised they are deemed big enough to sell out the >70k venues. 

Probably easier to get a ticket for them than the UK dates were. My wife’s cousin lives a couple of hours from Boston, feels doable.

Announcing dates at 1pm tomorrow…


The international break in September’25 is 1-12th, if they could play somewhere I want to go during that window, it would be greatly appreciated. 



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