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Oasis - Reform


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52 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Slash was raised in Stoke, Lemmy was born there and grew up in Anglesey. If you’ve got it I don’t think it really matters. I suspect they’d get a fairer ride on here if they weren’t mancs. 

I'd be willing to bet them making better music and not being massive knobheads would move the needle more.

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Contacted Ticketmaster to ask why I’m not in the ballot despite having tickets in my basket last weekend for TM not allowing me to check out…



…they might have well just replied with “Fuck off, we don’t care”.


I’d actually have preferred that, at least that was honest. 

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10 minutes ago, Pete said:

Proving themselves to be massive cunts with this reunion tour tickets farce.

TM or Oasis? Or both?


Never thought I’d find a worse company for ticket distribution than LFC, TM certainly give our ticket office a good run for their money. They know demand will vastly outstrip supply, so they don’t give a fuck. Don’t like it, tough, somebody else will gladly suck it up. 

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6 minutes ago, Pete said:

I find it harder to blame the band. Did they really know all about the dynamic pricing? Management might have, I doubt the band did.


Still, Liam telling fans to “Shut up” after all the issues isn’t a good look, IMO. The lack of “appreciate frustration all round” is really poor. 

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1 hour ago, Scott_M said:

I find it harder to blame the band. Did they really know all about the dynamic pricing? Management might have, I doubt the band did.


Still, Liam telling fans to “Shut up” after all the issues isn’t a good look, IMO. The lack of “appreciate frustration all round” is really poor. 

Artists have been doing this for years! 

The shut up was clearly tongue in cheek 

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29 minutes ago, Scott_M said:


Dunno. Even if it was, I think Liam should have tried harder reading the room, there are a lot off pissed of people. 

He’s been pissing people off all

his career. If you’re an Oasis fan you wouldn’t be arsed because that’s what he’s like. If you’re not an Oasis fan then what the fuck do you want tickets for? 

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1 minute ago, Bjornebye said:

He’s been pissing people off all

his career. If you’re an Oasis fan you wouldn’t be arsed because that’s what he’s like. If you’re not an Oasis fan then what the fuck do you want tickets for? 

So if you're an Oasis fan who didn't get a ticket or you did get one but it went from £150 to £350 it's ok because Liam was taking the piss and you're used to him being like this?



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1 minute ago, Pete said:

So if you're an Oasis fan who didn't get a ticket or you did get one but it went from £150 to £350 it's ok because Liam was taking the piss and you're used to him being like this?



Pete. Do you genuinely think he meant it seriously? 

I’m pissed off with the price hike but I’m sceptical it having anything to do with the band themselves. This has been happening with tickets for a long long time. Supply and demand price hikes. Same as plane tickets, hotel prices etc. It happens and it’s a disgrace. Liam Gallagher wouldn’t be Liam Gallagher if he worried about ‘reading the room’ all the time. I couldn’t give a fuck what he says. 

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8 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

He’s been pissing people off all

his career. If you’re an Oasis fan you wouldn’t be arsed because that’s what he’s like. If you’re not an Oasis fan then what the fuck do you want tickets for? 

I’m an Oasis fan and I think it’s somewhat disingenuous to say that to all the people who tried for hours and hours and hours last weekend left to be disappointed and even more frustrated at all the seemingly technical issues / excuses. 

Appreciate they are your favourites, I think a bit of extra humility would have been appreciated. 

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36 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Pete. Do you genuinely think he meant it seriously? 

I’m pissed off with the price hike but I’m sceptical it having anything to do with the band themselves. This has been happening with tickets for a long long time. Supply and demand price hikes. Same as plane tickets, hotel prices etc. It happens and it’s a disgrace. Liam Gallagher wouldn’t be Liam Gallagher if he worried about ‘reading the room’ all the time. I couldn’t give a fuck what he says. 

Meant seriously or not it comes across as being a cunt and not taking the fans concerns into consideration.   He & Noel would've know these tickets would be in high demand so to comment like this (in jest or not) is incredibly ignorant of him.

But hey, I only like "Whatever" and few songs of the debut & Morning Glory so I'm not really arsed that much.  However I would be if a favourite artist of mine acted like this. 

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Didn't he sack him over some issues between their partners? 


I can't believe that anyone genuinely likes the Stereophonics, they're absolute drivel. Bogstandard rock by numbers. I get the Oasis love, after Definitely Maybe it was only the odd single for me, but i get why they are so popular. But The Stereophonics? Don't get the appeal whatsoever.   

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