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Oasis - Reform


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If this was the setlist:




Cigarettes and Alcohol




I might watch it.













*I wouldn't watch it because they'd be on the stage playing them.  But those songs are great and capture a band at their creative peak.

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2 hours ago, razor said:

If this was the setlist:




Cigarettes and Alcohol




I might watch it.













*I wouldn't watch it because they'd be on the stage playing them.  But those songs are great and capture a band at their creative peak.

Maybe throw a Slide Away in there at the end and I might be tempted. But probably still wouldn’t.

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On 01/09/2024 at 15:30, Leyton388 said:

Cant wait to see their reaction when they see the crowd is full of insta cunts who dont know the lyrics to their songs. 

That’s unfair, I reckon loads of them will know bits of the chorus of Wonderwall.

Place will be going off with selfies.

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I think the stuff about arlarses begrudging any young fans a ticket is hilarious.  This isn't great quality music in its own right: it's the soundtrack to hedonistic excess. That kind of stuff belongs to young people.  If you've got a mortgage, piles and a Renault Kadjar, it's time to pass the baton.

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