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Oasis - Reform


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They'll make a fortune, a bomb load of fat old men wearing shit bucket hats will pay ridiculous amounts of money to stand and bellow Don't Look Back in Anger etc tunelessly as they watch some old men who are mere dots on a stage half a mile away phone it in, and the media will wet their collective pants about it all.


But hey to each his own and all that - pretty harmless stuff really.


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3 hours ago, an tha said:

They'll make a fortune, a bomb load of fat old men wearing shit bucket hats will pay ridiculous amounts of money to stand and bellow Don't Look Back in Anger etc tunelessly as they watch some old men who are mere dots on a stage half a mile away phone it in, and the media will wet their collective pants about it all.


But hey to each his own and all that - pretty harmless stuff really.


Stig. Care to comment on you being insulted?

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2 hours ago, Fugitive said:

Meanwhile at Stigs house…





I reckon at this precise moment, Stig is asleep, little knowing how much his life is about to be uplifted.  It's almost a beautiful thing.  Like a kid on Christmas Eve.


In just a few short hours....


I'm actually excited on his behalf!


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39 minutes ago, razor said:


I reckon at this precise moment, Stig is asleep, little knowing how much his life is about to be uplifted.  It's almost a beautiful thing.  Like a kid on Christmas Eve.


In just a few short hours....


I'm actually excited on his behalf!


He wont be looking back in anger anyway.

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Fuck all confirmed yet but as long as they don’t make new music and just put on a few gigs so they can be enjoyed one last time then I think it’s great news. Also great for the “I’m cool because I think oasis are shit” lot to get some attention and all. 

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