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PODCAST: Ipswich Town 0 Liverpool 2 - Match Reaction

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The Arne Slot era got underway with a win, a clean sheet and some sensational football in the second half. The less said about the first half the better, but Slot came up with the answers at half time and that's an encouraging sign, unless your name is Jarrell Quansah!


TLW Editor Dave Usher is joined by John Gallagher and Julian Richards to look back on the game and to answer more listener questions.



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Pivot makes sense because it emphasises the importance of the role when in possession, whereas defensive midfield is about breaking up attacks. It makes sense. 


"In transition" is just objectively bad English, because people do use it to mean counter attack, but it doesn't imply attack, it implies changes in direction either way. Total nonsense.


The rest is just pretension. 

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2 hours ago, Pidge said:

"In transition" is just objectively bad English, because people do use it to mean counter attack, but it doesn't imply attack, it implies changes in direction either way. Total nonsense.


Do people use it to mean counter attack, it's just used to define the in between state from defense to attack or attack to defense.


The point at which you are counter attacking you've already transitioned.

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18 minutes ago, Riley Greenleaf said:

I listen to a few Liverpool pods but this is easily the best one around. 

I don’t listen to any others because I’m a one forum man, but I loved it at around 45 mins it went off on a mad tangent and ended up at Taylor Swift around 20 minutes later.  

I’ve missed these pods. 

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I don't think the youth transfer situation is all that bad. I think koumas, Gordon, chambers and Mcconnell are all in the zone where they need to play regularly, as they are too good for youth football. Clark too, would have preferred a loan there too, but it won't ruin us. Beck leaving is a shame, but I don't really care, his attitude coming back was more annoying than anything van de berg or Carvalho have done imo. 


We still have quite a lot of non-scrubs to call upon. kone-doherty, Figueroa, Ahmed all at that point now, the likes of nallo and scanlon still about and, of course, Nyoni. Remains to be seen what happens with Danns and Morton. We'll be all right.

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On 18/08/2024 at 22:12, TheBitch said:

I don’t listen to any others because I’m a one forum man, but I loved it at around 45 mins it went off on a mad tangent and ended up at Taylor Swift around 20 minutes later.  

I’ve missed these pods. 

Other LFC Pods?

Religious One : r/ExplainTheJoke

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