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7 hours ago, JohnnyH said:

“Yes, I know there’s a Zubimendi thread to complain about this transfer collapse, and a 2024 Summer Transfer thread to complain about a total lack of signings, and a Michael Edwards thread so I can complain about him directly, and a Fuck FSG thread so I can complain about the overall ownership, but goddamnit I need you to know that I’M angry. ME.” 

I agree, we need a thread for Hughes as well. Great idea.

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I think it all comes from the Andy Carroll signing.  They bought the club and Torres wanted to leave.  The whole fan base was in meltdown over it demanding a replacement.  We panicked and got stung paying 35m for Carroll.  Not only did he turn out to be garbage he actually hardly played in that second half of the season.  Had we not signed him it wouldn’t have effected the season at all.  We could then have bought him in the summer and probably for less money or went elsewhere.


Since then we’ve never panicked and rushed a signing up until the Caicedo incident.  There is merit to that approach at times. I remember before the league winning season we didn’t sign a single player and we had people on here saying we would finish 8th.  The owners/management clearly try to not be swayed at all by the hysterical fannyism that goes on.


The problem is that they take it too far.  The season when we had no centre halves everybody could see it coming.  I think we could end up in that boat this season again personally.  I can understand us signing a defensive midfielder but the rest of midfield and the forwards don’t really need touching despite the continuous meltdowns.  We’ve got 3 or 4 players who can play defensive midfield and also Trent who can pretend to so I don’t think it’s as vital.  

We can’t go into a season with Konate and Gomez as 2 of the 4 centre backs because they just don’t stay fit and specifically this time we’ve got no midfielders we could play there.

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It's even worse than nobody.


We'll lose Trent, VVD and Salah next year. Then watch Alisson leave probably the year after.


I've been moaning about this happening all summer, it was so obviously going to happen.


The club are fucking idiots, Slot is in an impossible position. 


All the club had to do was sign 2 top players this summer to steady the ship and extend some contracts and stop the core of our team getting ripped apart. 


This is going to be a shit show from now on. We are literally rolling the dice on Slot being one of the top 5 coaches in the world to help smooth out this mess that's coming. 

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