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Welcome to Liverpool.


Every season the club says "Nobody can improve the first team". Well I'm pleased to say we have finally got our man, and Absolutely Fucking Nobody will be joining the club this summer. Made up!

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“Yes, I know there’s a Zubimendi thread to complain about this transfer collapse, and a 2024 Summer Transfer thread to complain about a total lack of signings, and a Michael Edwards thread so I can complain about him directly, and a Fuck FSG thread so I can complain about the overall ownership, but goddamnit I need you to know that I’M angry. ME.” 

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3 hours ago, JohnnyH said:

“Yes, I know there’s a Zubimendi thread to complain about this transfer collapse, and a 2024 Summer Transfer thread to complain about a total lack of signings, and a Michael Edwards thread so I can complain about him directly, and a Fuck FSG thread so I can complain about the overall ownership, but goddamnit I need you to know that I’M angry. ME.” 

FSG love people like you

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Romano: "no need for jam tomorrow as stork margarine expected  to step up to the jam challenge."



To be honest this whole structure thing meant the signs were all there. Stats people, business people, it's utterly fucked up.


By all means have people in the background but with a dyed in the wool football man at the helm, but not a situation where the "coach" is just part of the "team".


Yanks always do this shit eventually if you let them. Remember that bellend at Chester who introduced defensive and midfield captains because he used to play NFL? That whole club is extinct now.


I especially don't like the fact Edwards roll is to essentially just find other toys for them to fuck around with.


Klopp's genius won't be fully appreciated for a long time, he was fighting a corrupt oil state from without and a fucking poor man's Walmart from within.


Astonishing he achieved what he did. Year after year of jam tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, Slotball said:

FSG love people like you


I’m on their books, sure. They send me 5 quid for every post I write that says they’re doing great. 

1 hour ago, Mook said:

Five threads for JohnnyH to complain about how shit our supporters are does seem excessive.


There’s a lesson somewhere. 

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1 hour ago, Paulie Dangerously said:

I'm still scarred from when we didn't sign Luis Amor Rodriguez from Harchester United. 



That was Didier Baptiste wasn't  it?

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2 hours ago, Slotball said:

Fascinating how the FSG apologists are going to spin this. Entering a new season with the same squad of bottlers who ruined klopps final season seems like a recipe for success

What username did you previously post under?

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2 hours ago, Riley Greenleaf said:

We’re about to find out just how good Klopp really was.


I think week to week we might see an improvement, as things were getting stale (hence all the slow starts) it's the in game management of klopp that we'll probably miss the most, especially in finals. 


But I think the base Slot is developing is quite flexible in terms of how the midfield operates, it just remains to be seen if we can change up the style enough when needed.

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