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Beans Poll 2: This Time it's Personal

Beans - the new poll  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. Beans on a fry up - yay or nay

    • Yes, I quite like beans on a fry up
    • No, I can't say I'm a fan of beans

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1 hour ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

The old poll is outdated, like the Brexit vote half the respondents are probably dead or Russian bots.


We need a new poll to settle this once and for all.

Repeating a vote to try for the result you desire? I respect that, although…



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1 hour ago, Rushies tash said:

I exercised my right not to vote. Especially when the second option needs "on a fry up" tagged onto the end.


The question already asks "Beans on a fry up - yay or nay". It does not need clarification in the answer as the question is explicit.

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Beans absolutely do belong on a fry up. All the live long day. That said, I usually choose not to have them in that format these days, as I find that the mix of heavy, meaty, greasy foods with the fibrous beads of delight, do bad things to my gastric comfort levels.


As @Rushies tash says though - I would eat them if they were put on without prior consultation for sure. I’d just opt to go without on most occasions, mainly because of a life choice though, like the way I don’t do beak or garies anymore. Great at the time, absolute hell to pay thereafter 

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1 hour ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Of course beans belong on a fry-up.


Tinned tomatoes: that's the real abomination we should all revolt against.

Is fucking right.


And hash browns - people who have hash browns on a fry up should have their hard drives checked....

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49 minutes ago, Curly said:

Repeating a vote to try for the result you desire? I respect that, although…




This is turning out even more one sided than the first vote.


So, we've seen a rise in bean eating, and "coincidentally" a rise in neo-fascism. Does one lead to the other? I'm just asking questions here.

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51 minutes ago, Strontium said:


The question already asks "Beans on a fry up - yay or nay". It does not need clarification in the answer as the question is explicit.


Nah, it's still too ambiguous for me. Almost a trap if you will. And a trap I refuse to fall into.

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1 hour ago, Total Longo said:

With a bit of brown sauce and a dash of hot sauce in them, lash it on toast and it's a taste sensation. I'm less inclined to have them on a brekky but a small amount i could deal with.  

This the beans or the beak and garies?

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1 hour ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


This is turning out even more one sided than the first vote.


So, we've seen a rise in bean eating, and "coincidentally" a rise in neo-fascism. Does one lead to the other? I'm just asking questions here.


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3 hours ago, Curly said:

Beans absolutely do belong on a fry up. All the live long day. That said, I usually choose not to have them in that format these days, as I find that the mix of heavy, meaty, greasy foods with the fibrous beads of delight, do bad things to my gastric comfort levels.


As @Rushies tash says though - I would eat them if they were put on without prior consultation for sure. I’d just opt to go without on most occasions, mainly because of a life choice though, like the way I don’t do beak or garies anymore. Great at the time, absolute hell to pay thereafter 

I’m the only one not familiar with the word “garies” ? 

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