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The Current Far Right in the UK

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Seems like there's trouble brewing in Reform with Farage trying to take them more to the centre with hiring some of these Tory has beens. Already grumblings from the voter base and supreme leader Farage is not taking kindly to the blowback.

All of which is probably good news for Starmer. 

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19 minutes ago, Gooch said:

Seems like there's trouble brewing in Reform with Farage trying to take them more to the centre with hiring some of these Tory has beens. Already grumblings from the voter base and supreme leader Farage is not taking kindly to the blowback.

All of which is probably good news for Starmer. 


Twatty bastards.

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3 hours ago, Gooch said:

Seems like there's trouble brewing in Reform with Farage trying to take them more to the centre with hiring some of these Tory has beens. Already grumblings from the voter base and supreme leader Farage is not taking kindly to the blowback.

All of which is probably good news for Starmer. 

The cunt is on qt again tomorrow 

Despite his boycott 

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2 hours ago, Arniepie said:

There seems to be a collective mass panic that reform are going to storm the next election.


They're certainly well placed (with promotion and funding from some dangerous cunts) to get a fuckload of seats; not enough to win power, but enough to be a significant influence on the parliamentary agenda.  That's why it's so important that Labour succeed in not only improving people's lives, but also in selling the perception of those improvements and getting people to realise that life is better if you vote for non-cunts.

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