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The Current Far Right in the UK

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49 minutes ago, an tha said:

I'd be in favour of making some of the 'lesser' offenders in this be made to do big (and i mean big) lumps of community service.


Loads of places that need graffiti removing - things repairing etc.


Get the cunts on that - after all they are so 'proud' of their country, they would surely see it as an honour to help make it better.

I'm not really sure there have been many lesser offences tbh

We aren't talking d and d here,it's violent protest, attacking police etc. 

There very 1st got just a few months for criminal damage.

Arguably you could say looting,but that's slightly different from robbing a loaf from the asda 

Its not just the offence itself,its that,  they willingly got involved in very violent protests.

I haven't got a fucking ounce of sympathy  

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2 hours ago, Gnasher said:


Not all of them have been caught lobbying things at police. Some of the sentences for online crimes seem a little harsh. I'd have thought suspended sentences would have been an adequate punishment and deterrent. Same for the lower level disorders.

I've not seen the details of the offences and the sentences, but I'm more than happy with people who incite violence being held to account.

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Just now, AngryOfTuebrook said:

I've not seen the details of the offences and the sentences, but I'm more than happy with people who incite violence being held to account.

I'm not sure whst he means by lower level disorder tbh.

They aren't getting done with having a piss in the entry.

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21 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

I'm not really sure there have been many lesser offences tbh

We aren't talking d and d here,it's violent protest, attacking police etc. 

There very 1st got just a few months for criminal damage.

Arguably you could say looting,but that's slightly different from robbing a loaf from the asda 

Its not just the offence itself,its that,  they willingly got involved in very violent protests.

I haven't got a fucking ounce of sympathy  

As the sentencing goes on i am pretty sure there will be lesser offences - it is those i am referring to.

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5 minutes ago, an tha said:

As the sentencing goes on i am pretty sure there will be lesser offences - it is those i am referring to.

Been following quite a bit of it and honestly haven't really seen much low level ones.

Most  have either Been violent or encouraging violence.

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33 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Here's a selection of cunts getting what's coming to them.





That guy with the vacuum cleaner seemed to miss a few important things in life if Im honest, he should probably be in some kind of care already. 

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1 minute ago, Code said:


That guy with the vacuum cleaner seemed to miss a few important things in life if Im honest, he should probably be in some kind of care already. 

The woman who's house he attacked was on the news last night.

She is that scared she is going to move 

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4 hours ago, Gnasher said:


Not all of them have been caught lobbying things at police. Some of the sentences for online crimes seem a little harsh. I'd have thought suspended sentences would have been an adequate punishment and deterrent. Same for the lower level disorders.

But why is it okay if its online? It's not real? BTW not a direct question to you but a general question, we think we can do what we like online because it's not seen as 'real life', we're all guilty of this kind of thinking.

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1 hour ago, TheSire said:

But why is it okay if its online? It's not real? BTW not a direct question to you but a general question, we think we can do what we like online because it's not seen as 'real life', we're all guilty of this kind of thinking.


Fuck off spunk tits.

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4 hours ago, TheSire said:

But why is it okay if its online? It's not real? BTW not a direct question to you but a general question, we think we can do what we like online because it's not seen as 'real life', we're all guilty of this kind of thinking.


Its not OK but sending someone to jail for a couple of years seems a bit stiff. A suspended sentence would mean if they stepped out of line again they'd go down. I don't know maybe I'm wrong. 

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3 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Its not OK but sending someone to jail for a couple of years seems a bit stiff. A suspended sentence would mean if they stepped out of line again they'd go down. I don't know maybe I'm wrong. 

So my understanding is that when the police investigate these kind of crimes, they look at other posts and take into account if there's a pattern or history of similar posting. Maybe those getting hit with longer sentences are frequently doing this kind of thing or there's a pattern to the behaviour.

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