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Southport stabbings


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After reading the last few pages, I'm staying out of this thread in future.


I don't give a shit if he was a terrorist or not, he killed those children. Whether he was a terrorist or not, they're not coming back. And that's what he'll face charges for. The extra charges for alleged terrorism are just a horrible garnish on top of the killing of those babies.


Nothing has been hidden, it's been released when it was allowed to be released.


Some of you need to give your fucking heads a wobble.

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20 minutes ago, skend04 said:



If it's the same book, then it was available from Waterstones and Blackwells amongst a number of bookstores. Its possession may have been banned at some point, but I can't see anything when searched for 


It was a PDF document.


People read academic books/manuals about terrorist groups and their teachings for different reasons. Some for academic research, others for, erm, other reasons. Why some people are finding it hard to even accept the possibility that someone who was also charged with producing ricin and mass murder might have read them for other reasons is interesting.


Regards the PDF in question, I came across one yesterday online, an academic paper that contained the Al Queada manifesto, including specific instructions about how to overthrow the infidel, but I'm not sure it was the same one. Regardless, the fact he was charged with possessing that paper suggests to me at least that it's not available in bookstores.

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24 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

After reading the last few pages, I'm staying out of this thread in future.


I don't give a shit if he was a terrorist or not, he killed those children. Whether he was a terrorist or not, they're not coming back. And that's what he'll face charges for. The extra charges for alleged terrorism are just a horrible garnish on top of the killing of those babies.


Nothing has been hidden, it's been released when it was allowed to be released.


Some of you need to give your fucking heads a wobble.


People are simply discussing the issues around the case.


I agree in the immediate aftermath, this might be pretty distasteful but now a few months have passed,  he's been charged and the case is going to court, I don't see any issue around a (generally) grown up discussion about it on a Football forum.

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10 hours ago, BeefStroganoff said:

Oh what a surprise, most people in here are wrong again, like they are usually about just about anything because most people lack the ability to think on their own two feet.


So lets get this right.


1. Children were murdered and some badly injured in a seemingly unprovoked attack

Yes. We Know. There's a thread about it.

2. The general public tied him to terrorism and where told to stop spreading misinformation

Racist liars pretended he was a Muslim asylum seeker and tied that fictional character to terrorism.  Those dangerous lies led, predictably, to racist violence. So, yeah, people were told to stop spreading misinformation.

3. People were outraged and reacted accordingly, with some nut jobs taking advantage

Stupid, gullible, racist people reacted violently against Muslims, asylum seekers and black people, because racist cunts told them to.  In what world is that "reacting accordingly" to the murder of children?

4. Those people who had genuine concerns were labelled far right

No. The people who had genuine concerns attended a peaceful vigil in Southport. People with genuine concerns took part in the post-riot clean-ups. People with genuine concerns surrounded mosques and asylum centres to protect them from racist attacks. Nobody labelled people with genuine concerns Far Right: violent racist cunts were labelled Far Right.

5. Some of those people were jailed, one has since perished in prison

People were jailed for crimes of violence and inciting violence. Fuck those cunts. One of them was in prison when he died of natural causes?  Boo fucking hoo.  Should have thought about his state of health before he decided to commit racist violent crimes. Daft old cunt.

6. Government swept it all under the carpet with misdirection against the so called far right and racism

No. None of that happened.

7. It turns out the suspect is being charged with terrorism offences

The murders are not being charged as terrorist offences.


The world is burning and its full of stupid, stupid people.

The one true thing you've said.



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48 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


As much as he was clearly a bellend and deserved his sentence it’s still sad a man has died however he died. 

Yeah, looks like he did kill himself.



If he hadn't acted on the kind of bullshit that Beefstroganoff is peddling, he might still be alive.

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12 hours ago, BeefStroganoff said:

 Just take a step back and consider what the parents of those babies are thinking and feeling, rather than political point scoring.



You might have done better to advise all the racist liars (who you now appear to be condoning) to do that.

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9 hours ago, Creator Supreme said:

After reading the last few pages, I'm staying out of this thread in future.


I don't give a shit if he was a terrorist or not, he killed those children. Whether he was a terrorist or not, they're not coming back. And that's what he'll face charges for. The extra charges for alleged terrorism are just a horrible garnish on top of the killing of those babies.


Nothing has been hidden, it's been released when it was allowed to be released.


Some of you need to give your fucking heads a wobble.


Listen; I think he is a fuckin deranged cunt for doing what he did, but this terrorist manual stuff was something I imagined Kevin Bridges could come up with, hilarious stuff. 


That's why I took issue with it. 

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7 hours ago, Code said:


Listen; I think he is a fuckin deranged cunt for doing what he did, but this terrorist manual stuff was something I imagined Kevin Bridges could come up with, hilarious stuff. 


That's why I took issue with it. 


He has been charged with a terror offence by the police on the back whatever literature he had in his possession, so 'hilarious' is not a word I would associate here.

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