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Southport stabbings


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5 minutes ago, skend04 said:


Is this your coming out post?

Coming out post? I don't support any side because they are all corrupt. And more fool anyone who sticks to a left or right view instead of using your brain. Politics is long dead and has long been corrupt and untrustworthy.


But if it makes you feel better, somehow, do what you like. Just take a step back and consider what the parents of those babies are thinking and feeling, rather than political point scoring.


It makes me sick to my stomach.

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9 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

 we were told he was a muslim( unconfirmed)

an immigrant (incorrect)

and had just arrived by boat (incorrect)

and that a muslim with a machete had kicked off the riots (incorrect)

but yeah..what "misinformation" indeed



when is the funeral for that brave political freedom fighter and political prisoner btw?


This grandstanding does you NO favours lad.


The fact remains he killed three kids at a dance class and hurt others, and he did it for reason(s). He has also had other terror charges labelled at him.


The government has tried to keep this under wraps for reason(s). 


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11 minutes ago, BeefStroganoff said:


This grandstanding does you NO favours lad.


The fact remains he killed three kids at a dance class and hurt others, and he did it for reason(s). He has also had other terror charges labelled at him.


The government has tried to keep this under wraps for reason(s). 


how exactly have they kept it "under wraps?

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50 minutes ago, BeefStroganoff said:

Oh what a surprise, most people in here are wrong again, like they are usually about just about anything because most people lack the ability to think on their own two feet.


So lets get this right.


1. Children were murdered and some badly injured in a seemingly unprovoked attack

2. The general public tied him to terrorism and where told to stop spreading misinformation

3. People were outraged and reacted accordingly, with some nut jobs taking advantage

4. Those people who had genuine concerns were labelled far right

5. Some of those people were jailed, one has since perished in prison

6. Government swept it all under the carpet with misdirection against the so called far right and racism

7. It turns out the suspect is being charged with terrorism offences


The world is burning and its full of stupid, stupid people.



1. Yes and it's tragic, I think we all agree he should rot in jail 

2. Wrong. The far right with huge platforms implied that and some people decided that was all they need to go out and riot/attack police/ try and bun down mosques and hotels. 

3. The candlelit vigil was reacting accordingly.... more than "som" nut jobs took advantage to use their hatred to riot

4. No they weren't, The people who went out rioting, chucking bins, burning down libraries and chanting who the fuck is allah were. 

5. Some of those people deservedly got jail time. One happened to die in jail, unfortunately he died where he belonged because of his own actions. 

6. Nothing was swept under any carpet. They will have had their reasons to investigate properly and only release information at the right time. 

7. Yep it does. Nobody at the time knew that and went on a rioting spree, dragging muslims out of cars, setting fire to things based on a rumour. 


The world is burning and it's burning because of the stupid stupid people. And of course the super rich. The greedy. the religious nuts. The evil bastards. 

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5 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

im honestly a bit baffled.

If they had said from the start there was a terrorism link, there wouldnt have been riots?

what if the killer was white?


He'd have got life in prison from two tier kier and they would have rioted 

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3 minutes ago, Paulie Dangerously said:

And then one day, for no reason at all, he decided to go and stab children. 


Oh and by the way he was making poison and reading terrorist manuals,  but that's a completely separate issue. 


This appears to be the narrative we're all expected to go along with. 


Was he though? 

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4 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

silly question again. If he was a terrorist. What difference does it make?


an evil cunt went out and killed 3 innocent kids and devastated 3 families.


if he wasn’t a terrorist, is this to make their pain any less bearable? 


It won't lessen the pain but at the very least there is some sort of 'reason' for want of a better term. 

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5 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

silly question again. If he was a terrorist. What difference does it make?


an evil cunt went out and killed 3 innocent kids and devastated 3 families.


if he wasn’t a terrorist, is this to make their pain any less bearable? 


It likely makes no difference at all to the families (who, I can't even begin to imagine what they're going though) but it does make a difference to multiple other things that are going on. 

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22 minutes ago, Mook said:


It likely makes no difference at all to the families (who, I can't even begin to imagine what they're going though) but it does make a difference to multiple other things that are going on. 


Not sure about that man - many families of shootings here have had issues with their "cases" being politicized.

The last of which was killed AT A Trump rally.

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1 hour ago, Paulie Dangerously said:

And then one day, for no reason at all, he decided to go and stab children. 


Oh and by the way he was making poison and reading terrorist manuals,  but that's a completely separate issue. 


This appears to be the narrative we're all expected to go along with. 


Isn't the ‘Military Studies In The Jihad Against The Tyrants, The Al Qaeda Training Manual’. written by a former CIA bod....oh I see what you mean.

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8 minutes ago, skend04 said:


Isn't the ‘Military Studies In The Jihad Against The Tyrants, The Al Qaeda Training Manual’. written by a former CIA bod....oh I see what you mean.


Happy to accept that my use of the term "terrorists manual" was flippant as it was only something "likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism." 


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28 minutes ago, Paulie Dangerously said:


Happy to accept that my use of the term "terrorists manual" was flippant as it was only something "likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism." 



7 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:

Yep, something he was charged with having, along with manufacturing ricin.


If it's the same book, then it was available from Waterstones and Blackwells amongst a number of bookstores. Its possession may have been banned at some point, but I can't see anything when searched for 

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