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4 hours ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

Chicken or egg?

"the murders were not a terrorist incident; that's why the police said they weren't"


the police said they weren't, that's why the murders were not a terrorist incident;?

How are they deciding? I suspect that there are no hard and fast criteria, probably a subjective decision by a high ranking officer.

I suspect you're wrong.


Do you not think there are guidelines about when to treat an incident as a terrorist incident?  I suspect the police are following those.  There will be legal criteria for terrorist charges and these murders did not meet those criteria.  That's all.  Any cunt saying that the police lied or tried to cover anything up is talking rubbish.

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1 hour ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

I suspect you're wrong.


Do you not think there are guidelines about when to treat an incident as a terrorist incident?  I suspect the police are following those.  There will be legal criteria for terrorist charges and these murders did not meet those criteria.  That's all.  Any cunt saying that the police lied or tried to cover anything up is talking rubbish.

Unless you know what those criteria are and whether the facts of the case meet them you cannot make the statement you have. Do you know? I very much doubt it.

If there is only guidance or guidelines then up to the individual police officer or CPS lawyer to interpret that guidance. An entirely subjective process.

Did the police lie or cover up anything? I don't know and neither do you. What I do know is that we were told that it is not terror related yet here are some terror related charges. Go figure.

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I think a lot of people have jumped to conclusions regarding the “possession of Al Qaeda” material. 

It appears that he wasn’t in possession of Al Qaeda material, in the sense of it being their own literature/propaganda. It’s been suggested that the document he was in possession of was a .pdf of an academic study into the tactics of Al Qaeda. 

For obvious reasons, I’m not too eager to do a bit more digging around so that I’m able to read bits of the document to get more information about it. But, it seems very unlikely that an educational book seller like Blackwells would openly be selling alleged “Al Qaeda documents” (to paraphrase) online? 


I think his possession of this book doesn’t really prove that he was a Muslim convert, an Islamic extremist or ideologically inspired by Al Qaeda. Or even suggest that. It’s equally plausible that he was a mentally ill person who just wanted to know how to manufacture a chemical agent so that he could kill as many people as possible because he was mentally ill, rather than being some sort of Jihadi. 

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4 hours ago, Mook said:


Spot on as usual, Code.


Having a Gordon Ramsay cookbook is exactly the same as having an Al Qaeda training manual.

What is an Al Qaeda training manual or a terrorist manual?

What training do they do? Did he get it from Amazon, did he download it from YouTube? Did it come with a terrorist badge? Was it a paperback version, was it a file or as it a video?


So many questions, so few answers.


Considerng everyone claim he is an terrorist because he has git this manual, I would have thought people could tell me more about it.


Why and how did he get this manual, did it have anything to do with his mental health, was he just curious, or did he get recruited by a terrorist network to do these things?


I dont have any answers, but others obviously do, so why not share them?



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2 hours ago, Code said:

What is an Al Qaeda training manual or a terrorist manual?

What training do they do? Did he get it from Amazon, did he download it from YouTube? Did it come with a terrorist badge? Was it a paperback version, was it a file or as it a video?


So many questions, so few answers.


Considerng everyone claim he is an terrorist because he has git this manual, I would have thought people could tell me more about it.


Why and how did he get this manual, did it have anything to do with his mental health, was he just curious, or did he get recruited by a terrorist network to do these things?


I dont have any answers, but others obviously do, so why not share them?




Has anyone on here actually called him a terrorist outright? As far as I can see people are discussing the issue & the points raised fairly sensibly.


I also seriously doubt anyone on here has read the Al Qaeda material, go into your local library & check that out and you'll be in the clink before you make it to the nearest bus stop.


It looks to me like you've completely misread the situation, on here at least. No-one is claiming to have all the answers.

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8 minutes ago, Code said:


Here we go, this terrorism manual does not even exist then?


Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups most certainly do have shared reading materials. It looks like that wasn't what the boy had in this case though.

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54 minutes ago, Mook said:


Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups most certainly do have shared reading materials. It looks like that wasn't what the boy had in this case though.

Most of them probably read the Quaran, other than that, I really don’t know.

When it comes to a supposed terror manual, why has such manual never been found then?


The US and UK have been fighting terrorism for two decades now after 9/11, they have taken out leaders, groups, members on a big scale, never ever have there been any talk of any terrorism manual found. 


Nothing I know about terrorist would suggest anything like that exist, in fact actual evidence would point to the opposite. Less written information about anything, the better it is. 

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Just now, Code said:

Most of them probably read the Quaran, other than that, I really don’t know.

When it comes to a supposed terror manual, why have such manual never been found then?


The US and UK have been fighting terrorism for two decades now after 9/11, they have taken out leaders, groups, members on a big scale, never ever have there been any talk of any terrorism manual.


Nothing I know about terrorist would suggest anything like that exist, in fact actual evidence would point to the opposite. Less written information about anything, the better it is. 


You're reading far too much into the word 'manual' here.


Terrorist groups do have shared reading materials & online resources as we've read about them in the news after people have been nabbed.

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Oh what a surprise, most people in here are wrong again, like they are usually about just about anything because most people lack the ability to think on their own two feet.


So lets get this right.


1. Children were murdered and some badly injured in a seemingly unprovoked attack

2. The general public tied him to terrorism and where told to stop spreading misinformation

3. People were outraged and reacted accordingly, with some nut jobs taking advantage

4. Those people who had genuine concerns were labelled far right

5. Some of those people were jailed, one has since perished in prison

6. Government swept it all under the carpet with misdirection against the so called far right and racism

7. It turns out the suspect is being charged with terrorism offences


The world is burning and its full of stupid, stupid people.


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18 minutes ago, BeefStroganoff said:

Oh what a surprise, most people in here are wrong again, like they are usually about just about anything because most people lack the ability to think on their own two feet.


So lets get this right.


1. Children were murdered and some badly injured in a seemingly unprovoked attack

2. The general public tied him to terrorism and where told to stop spreading misinformation

3. People were outraged and reacted accordingly, with some nut jobs taking advantage

4. Those people who had genuine concerns were labelled far right

5. Some of those people were jailed, one has since perished in prison

6. Government swept it all under the carpet with misdirection against the so called far right and racism

7. It turns out the suspect is being charged with terrorism offences


The world is burning and its full of stupid, stupid people.


 we were told he was a muslim( unconfirmed)

an immigrant (incorrect)

and had just arrived by boat (incorrect)

and that a muslim with a machete had kicked off the riots (incorrect)

but yeah..what "misinformation" indeed



when is the funeral for that brave political freedom fighter and political prisoner btw?

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24 minutes ago, BeefStroganoff said:

Oh what a surprise, most people in here are wrong again, like they are usually about just about anything because most people lack the ability to think on their own two feet.


So lets get this right.


1. Children were murdered and some badly injured in a seemingly unprovoked attack

2. The general public tied him to terrorism and where told to stop spreading misinformation

3. People were outraged and reacted accordingly, with some nut jobs taking advantage

4. Those people who had genuine concerns were labelled far right

5. Some of those people were jailed, one has since perished in prison

6. Government swept it all under the carpet with misdirection against the so called far right and racism

7. It turns out the suspect is being charged with terrorism offences


The world is burning and its full of stupid, stupid people.



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