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1 hour ago, Arniepie said:

no one has on here.



No-one here has what, exactly? Suggested that we shouldn't be discussing whether or not he's a terrorist, that it's irrelevant? Suggested that people who call him a terrorist are agreeing with Farage? Suggested that people who think he's a terrorist are justifying the riots?


I think they have, or else I wouldn't have said what I did. Others can read the comments above and come to their own conclusions.


I think it's important to ascertain what his motive was for the killings, and if it turns out to be related to Islamic extremism then so be it. I also think the police acted in error by stating outright that it wasn't terror-related, for the reasons that have become all too apparent now. 

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1 minute ago, Jack the Sipper said:



No-one here has what, exactly? Suggested that we shouldn't be discussing whether or not he's a terrorist, that it's irrelevant? Suggested that people who call him a terrorist are agreeing with Farage? Suggested that people who think he's a terrorist are justifying the riots?


I think they have, or else I wouldn't have said what I did. Others can read the comments above and come to their own conclusions.


I think it's important to ascertain what his motive was for the killings, and if it turns out to be related to Islamic extremism then so be it. I also think the police acted in error by stating outright that it wasn't terror-related, for the reasons that have become all to apparent now. 


Is he a Muslim?

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1 minute ago, Jack the Sipper said:


I don't know for certain, which is why I said, if his killings turn out to be related to Islamic extremism, but I'd guess he's more likely than not a Muslim. What does him being being in possession of Al Qaeda material lead you to think?



I've got a Cantonese cookbook somewhere. 





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6 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:


I don't know for certain, which is why I said, if his killings turn out to be related to Islamic extremism, but I'd guess he's more likely than not a Muslim. What does him being being in possession of Al Qaeda material lead you to think?


But his parents are apparently heavily involved in their local church and he was allegedly a choir boy. 


2 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

Been reported as a Christian fella.


Beat me to it.

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4 minutes ago, Engineman Hicks said:

It seems to me he is a mentally ill teenage kid. There probably isn’t a religious aspect. It’s despicable how both sides of the political divide are using the deaths of 3 children to score points. 



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6 minutes ago, Engineman Hicks said:

It seems to me he is a mentally ill teenage kid. There probably isn’t a religious aspect. It’s despicable how both sides of the political divide are using the deaths of 3 children to score points. 


There's only one side that actually committed acts or terrorism. I'm not sure the other side will be able to drag back the score there.

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6 minutes ago, Mook said:


He wouldn't be the first non-Muslim converted to this form of extremism.


6 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:


I know he was, but there's the possibility of conversion. 


I'm sure that would have been one of the early lines of enquiry. But at most, currently, is possession of terrorist material so still a mass murderer for me.

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Excuse me, but what the fuck is a terrorist manual? 

And more importantly how does it make you a terrorist if you have one?


People dont become either a chef, mechanic or footballer just because they own a book about it. 





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1 hour ago, Jack the Sipper said:



No-one here has what, exactly? Suggested that we shouldn't be discussing whether or not he's a terrorist, that it's irrelevant? Suggested that people who call him a terrorist are agreeing with Farage? Suggested that people who think he's a terrorist are justifying the riots?


I think they have, or else I wouldn't have said what I did. Others can read the comments above and come to their own conclusions.


I think it's important to ascertain what his motive was for the killings, and if it turns out to be related to Islamic extremism then so be it. I also think the police acted in error by stating outright that it wasn't terror-related, for the reasons that have become all too apparent now. 

people on here have discussed the ambiguity around the terrorism aspect


I cant see where anyone has agreed with Farage that the  riots were somehow justified 

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27 minutes ago, Code said:

Excuse me, but what the fuck is a terrorist manual? 

And more importantly how does it make you a terrorist if you have one?


People dont become either a chef, mechanic or footballer just because they own a book about it. 





Id imagine murdering and attempting to murder innocent people is actually easier than any of the above if your a brainwashed lunatic 

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22 minutes ago, Code said:

Excuse me, but what the fuck is a terrorist manual? 

And more importantly how does it make you a terrorist if you have one?


People dont become either a chef, mechanic or footballer just because they own a book about it. 






If you're buying an instruction manual for any of those subjects it's because you want to learn how to do the things within that book. Now apply that logic to having a manual that talks about using terrorist tactics to overthrow 'godless regimes' and replace them with Islamic theocracies, and ask yourself why he might have had that manual.


2 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

people on here have discussed the ambiguity around the terrorism aspect


I cant see where anyone has agreed with Farage that the  riots were somehow justified 


As I said above, people can read what was said for themselves. And I never said that anyone here agreed with Farage that the riots were justified (which would be bizarre), but that people here suggested that people who think he's a terrorist are justifying the riots.

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1 hour ago, Code said:

Excuse me, but what the fuck is a terrorist manual? 

And more importantly how does it make you a terrorist if you have one?


People dont become either a chef, mechanic or footballer just because they own a book about it. 






Spot on as usual, Code.


Having a Gordon Ramsay cookbook is exactly the same as having an Al Qaeda training manual.

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4 hours ago, HazelyCosmicJove said:

Chicken or egg?

"the murders were not a terrorist incident; that's why the police said they weren't"


the police said they weren't, that's why the murders were not a terrorist incident;?

How are they deciding? I suspect that there are no hard and fast criteria, probably a subjective decision by a high ranking officer.

I suspect you're wrong.


Do you not think there are guidelines about when to treat an incident as a terrorist incident?  I suspect the police are following those.  There will be legal criteria for terrorist charges and these murders did not meet those criteria.  That's all.  Any cunt saying that the police lied or tried to cover anything up is talking rubbish.

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Worst thing about these types of discussions is that very, very few people spouting the bollocks actually genuinely care. 


There'll be people out there with issues around immigration/islam etc who can articulate a position, but not many if any in public life. 


Farage would convert to Islam if you paid him enough, and I'm not even joking. Most of the yobs who smashed stuff up just like smashing stuff up. 


You're arguing with holograms.

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