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Southport stabbings


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17 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

I think the fact that they initially denied any terrorist link us damaging

And why is it just coming out now?


40 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

The authorities said that the murders weren't a terrorist incident.


That's still the case.




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Even if the information was kept secret it's fully justified as the grest British public have shown themselves incapable of not acting appallingly.


"I smashed up the town centre when I thought he was a terrorist, when you said he wasn't I continued smashing up the town centre. Now you're telling me we were lied to?"

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4 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

Farage saying I told you so.

From day 1 he has used the tragic murders of 3 young girls to further his own political career

I don't have the vocabulary to describe how much I despise that odious creature 


Farage, or anyone saying I told you so, is nothing compared to the damage done when those 3 girls were murderd. Nothing comes even close. Nothing at all. 


Farage has used many different things in his time to further his own political career, this and anything else like it won't ever change that. 


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7 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

Farage saying I told you so.

From day 1 he has used the tragic murders of 3 young girls to further his own political career

I don't have the vocabulary to describe how much I despise that odious creature 

It’s the best news he’s had all month. He will be smug as fuck right now. The odious little cunt 

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I think it's fair to be a little pissed with the handling of this without the requirement of being fascist. To be clear, his stabbing and murder of children technically wasn't terrorism because because a 'motive needs to be present', so his stabbing of kids is legally disconnected to the fact that he produced a biological weapon and had a study of a training manual contravening terrorism laws. Certainly wouldn't want to be unfair to the little scamp by applying motive to his mass stabbing of children. The law, it's entirely right to say, needs to be factual and precise; no gaps should be left open for him to wriggle through on a technicality. That said, I think it's pretty clear that anybody making biological weapons, mass murdering kids, and reading study materials on Al-Qaeda's training manuals can otherwise be called a terrorist in any other setting. Well, he can be called a terrorist (if found guilty) on the other charges (relating to breaching the terrorism act and producing biological weapons) perfectly legitimately. 

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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:

I can see the logic in withholding info it if they got in while the tensions were mounting/riots happening. 

The murdering little twat won’t see freedom again. And rightly so. 

Never mind freedom, the little c**t shouldn’t see the light of another day 

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As I say, the reason the plod sit on stuff is because they don't want to cause unrest, and that approach has been vindicated by people's behaviour.


The right's approach in general is to keep waiting for crimes that suit their agenda.


Not arsed 

Not arsed 


Not arsed 

Not arsed 




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5 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:



I do jest a lot and enjoy a bit of jousting but I think sometimes I worry about imbalance. I can’t be doing with either extremes but if it turned out the lad had Tommy Robinson / Far right handbooks would you be going so hard on the ‘not a terrorist argument’

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20 minutes ago, Geoff Woade said:

I do jest a lot and enjoy a bit of jousting but I think sometimes I worry about imbalance. I can’t be doing with either extremes but if it turned out the lad had Tommy Robinson / Far right handbooks would you be going so hard on the ‘not a terrorist argument’

If there were people misrepresenting the truth - well, lying - in order to stir up the same shit that had seen racist riots throughout the country,  I'd like to think that I'd be just as fastidious about factual accuracy.  We'll never know, because the opposite situation wouldn't arise: anti-Fascists don't act the way the violent racist cunts do.

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6 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

The authorities said that the murders weren't a terrorist incident.


That's still the case.



I'm struggling with this. What is the criteria they are using to determine whether or not this is a terrorist incident? The MEN arena bombing. Terrorist incident or just someone with mental health issues who just happened to have connections to terrorist groups? If it quacks like a duck etc.

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59 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

If there were people misrepresenting the truth - well, lying - in order to stir up the same shit that had seen racist riots throughout the country,  I'd like to think that I'd be just as fastidious about factual accuracy.  We'll never know, because the opposite situation wouldn't arise: anti-Fascists don't act the way the violent racist cunts do.

Who doesn’t act like that? Hardcore Islamists or Far Right? 

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Blows my mind this discussion.


So what are people saying? If he turns out to be a terrorist then the violence was justified? 


The rioters are domestic terrorists as far as I'm concerned, being egged on by fucking Moscow. Fuck all of them, their friends, families and fucking pets.

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6 hours ago, Arniepie said:

Gb news having a meltdown because the pm hasn't made a public statement on a live triple murder case and the gammons calling for all 'political prisoners ' to be released.



They should release the Just Stop Oil protesters (and leave the violent cunts inside) then issue a statement saying "Happy now, dickheads?"

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