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Southport stabbings


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7 hours ago, Vincent Vega said:

No idea where this is but I’ll pissing myself again like I was with brick bollocks.





Screaming while he tightly grips his warm bottle of Stella and holds it away from danger. Priorities

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2 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

No idea that was a Mosque. My nan lived round the corner opposite the Cenny youth club, many happy childhood memories there.

Lot of history in that building.  I think it started as a private house, then it became Britain's first mosque, later it was the registry office and council records department, then it was derelict for a while, then about a decade ago it was restored and reopened as a mosque.

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5 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Lot of history in that building.  I think it started as a private house, then it became Britain's first mosque, later it was the registry office and council records department, then it was derelict for a while, then about a decade ago it was restored and reopened as a mosque.

I remember the side closest to walker street being a registry office. 

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Sir Keir Starmer returned to Southport on Friday, visiting the town for the second time this week.

The Prime Minister met people in the community along with metro mayor Steve Rotheram, Merseyside Chief Constable Serena Kennedy and representatives from the police, faith groups, health services and the education and voluntary sectors, the Liverpool Echo reported.

He also paid a visit to Alder Hey hospital - where the injured children have been cared for - and thanked staff for their efforts.

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3 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Lot of history in that building.  I think it started as a private house, then it became Britain's first mosque, later it was the registry office and council records department, then it was derelict for a while, then about a decade ago it was restored and reopened as a mosque.

The original Mosque is the building to the side of Brougham Terrace which was the Registry Office, it is all a Mosque now.

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2 hours ago, Harry's Lad said:

Awful. The statement from the family is amazing. Can’t imagine what they’re going through. 

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