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Southport stabbings


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32 minutes ago, Strontium said:

I wish reporters would stop mentioning the Southport murders in reports of racist violence that's got fuck all to do with it; it just propagates the Fascists' lies for them.

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I feel sad posting this in really what should be a conversation about a horrific loss of life caused by for whatever reason a clearly mentally ill person.


But I feel we live in dark and dangerous times. We’re 2 weeks into what is a fairly right of centre labour government and essentially fascists are using it as a means to promote their agenda.

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The problem with the people in some of the clips above it is just a cackle to them and something to post on facebook along with 'wiv da angels know' and it'll forever be a great day on the estate 'cause it was a bit of a laugh and they got to goad the fuzz, and it'll be talked about for years out of any real world context, like the riots a decade back.


No deeper resonance beyond that and when pressed they aren't racist, bigoted or anti anything really, they're just really fucking downtrodden, bored and looking for anything with gives their grey lives some coulour.


Obviously there's consequences to their actions and i hope it is a slap into reality if they are punished for their stupidy, which in a lot of cases it is only that.


The larger cunts preying on their ignorance are the ones that need to be focused on, they are the real issue, and they are the ones driving this.

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43 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

The problem with the people in some of the clips above it is just a cackle to them and something to post on facebook along with 'wiv da angels know' and it'll forever be a great day on the estate 'cause it was a bit of a laugh and they got to goad the fuzz, and it'll be talked about for years out of any real world context, like the riots a decade back.


No deeper resonance beyond that and when pressed they aren't racist, bigoted or anti anything really, they're just really fucking downtrodden, bored and looking for anything with gives their grey lives some coulour.


Obviously there's consequences to their actions and i hope it is a slap into reality if they are punished for their stupidy, which in a lot of cases it is only that.


The larger cunts preying on their ignorance are the ones that need to be focused on, they are the real issue, and they are the ones driving this.

Tommeh is sitting in his villa telling morons to attack the police and get 10 years. 

Farage is ranting about the 'elites" whilst sitting in his swanky gaff and inciting violence in working class areas.

The thick cunts are being used but are too stupid to realise it.

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