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Southport stabbings


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On 30/07/2024 at 22:34, stringvest said:

That Meff getting it on the head and in the spuds is brilliant.  Seriously though, these morons are pure vermin and I wouldn't bat an eyelid if the lot of them were exterminated.  The world is shit enough without these fucking thick cunts trying to make things worse.  Let's hope they do get wiped out.  What good are they to humankind?  

Is it the same knobhead in the earlier video Nelly posted? Black shirt blue pants talking to the line of police.

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It’s genuinely concerning to see how this has panned out since the killer’s identity was released. 

Literally every thing the idiots have been spreading on social media has been proven to be a load of shite. But, the ignorant idiots actually seem to be doubling down on the Muslim/immigrant/let’s continue to riot stuff. 

Something needs to be done about social media now. It’s spawned from its original purpose into a dangerous platform of disinformation and radicalisation. 

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Just now, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

It’s genuinely concerning to see how this has panned out since the killer’s identity was released. 

Literally every thing the idiots have been spreading on social media has been proven to be a load of shite. But, the ignorant idiots actually seem to be doubling down on the Muslim/immigrant/let’s continue to riot stuff. 

Something needs to be done about social media now. It’s spawned from its original purpose into a dangerous platform of disinformation and radicalisation. 

they are even refusing to believe the fella nicked in southport is a muslim.

its straight from the donald trump fake news text book.

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6 minutes ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

I’m not sure about the way the news channels are interviewing kids who were mates of the murdered girls to ask about their friendship with them etc. 


It seems a bit unethical of the news to do this. And of the parents for agreeing to it. 

How is a parent allowing their own child to talk to the press morally wrong?

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19 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

Screenshot_20240801_125343_Samsung Internet.jpg

You only have to look at that to see what the problem is. GB news exists to create enemy's for people. It fuels hate and division. These last few years feel like Rupert Murdoch on steroids. I think the West is probably fucked. The right wing media and the magnifying glass it holds upon fucking online lunatics and outright lies have doused society in petrol.

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1 hour ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

Something needs to be done about social media now. It’s spawned from its original purpose into a dangerous platform of disinformation and radicalisation. 

What to do though? It’s so enormous as to be overwhelming, it’s unpoliceable(sic). Genuinely forgotten how many people said that it was the start of the downfall of the establishment and that we were witnessing the dawn of true freedom and people power. Now here we are. Could always go down the China route I suppose. 

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9 minutes ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

It just doesn’t sit right with me. Kids in a state of trauma and/or grief shouldn’t be televised, for me. If they need to offload it, it should be to a professional. 

There was a little girl of about 10 on yesterday with her mum who was friends with one of the three dead kids in absolute bits.

Very raw and unpleasant to see.


I think it's time the likes of Sky fucked off from there now to be honest.

Let the people come to terms with what's happened without them having a microphone thrust in their faces and give them space and  time to grieve.

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3 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

You only have to look at that to see what the problem is. GB news exists to create enemy's for people. It fuels hate and division. These last few years feel like Rupert Murdoch on steroids. I think the West is probably fucked. The right wing media and the magnifying glass it holds upon fucking online lunatics and outright lies have doused society in petrol.

You only have to look at the presenters on it, tells you everything imo. Rees-Mogg, Farage, 30p Lee. You get the picture. 

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5 minutes ago, Riley Greenleaf said:

Some parts of it are a real shithole these days. 


It's all relative though, and I don't see how anyone could put it down to immigrants seeing as, compared to most places, there virtually are none.


It's always the way though. The most openly racist people I've ever met were in Widnes and it makes 30s Berlin look like the United colours of Benetton.

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18 minutes ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

It just doesn’t sit right with me. Kids in a state of trauma and/or grief shouldn’t be televised, for me. If they need to offload it, it should be to a professional. 

To be fair, I hadn’t sent the interview, but have since I replied, and I understand having seen it where you’re coming from. That kid didn’t display and understating of the situation or the emotional implications. The woman in the back garden was it?

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