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Southport stabbings


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4 minutes ago, Geoff Woade said:

Theres at least one died and at least another they were trying to save. 

The Dublin riots last year where started after a stabbing outside a school. It spread like wild fire that a child had died. She didn't die, so while it was still horrific the spreading of rumours isn't helpful. Even if it's not a rumour and you know it to be 100% true, it still helps no one.

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2 minutes ago, No2 said:

The Dublin riots last year were started after a stabbing outside a school. It spread like wild fire that a child had died. She didn't die, so while it was still horrific the spreading of rumours isn't helpful. Even if it's not a rumour and you know it to be 100% true, it still helps no one.

It’s in the news? Tell them to stop reporting it then. 

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