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Kamala Harris.


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Give her a break, she can't eat them at home - her husband would hurl.

Feels like we are about 3 posts away from Gnacho referring to it as a poke chop.

Just axin questions.


Feels a bit Adidas/Hadid ish.

Without the actual historical context, terrible events and professional marketing part.

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5 hours ago, Anubis said:


The theory is Vance will say the nasty stuff that Donald doesn't want to be be seen coming out of his own mouth.


TBF it is hard to imagine Trump saying this kind of stuff:


“What percentage of the American population has @realDonaldTrump sexually assaulted?”



“Maybe the Central Park 5 could take out a full-page ad to condemn the coddling of thug real estate barons who commit serial sexual assault,”

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Trump camp must be fuming. 


Lots of brio from Trump supporters about how the election will be a walkover, it won't be. 


He's old as fuck, and Biden stepping down due to old age just furthers that assessment.  


Let's see Trump tiptoe around a black woman without tripping up for the next 3 months. 

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3 hours ago, Colonel Bumcunt said:

Trump camp must be fuming. 


Lots of brio from Trump supporters about how the election will be a walkover, it won't be. 


He's old as fuck, and Biden stepping down due to old age just furthers that assessment.  


Let's see Trump tiptoe around a black woman without tripping up for the next 3 months. 

Your ringing endorsement of Trump's opponent has strengthened my belief that,unfortunately,he will win.

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8 hours ago, Jack the Sipper said:


Ha, like the Russians would have a goon like you on their books. Nah, I just think you're a fantasist. 


For the last time, have you called her out for her laugh before Trump did, and why is it of importance? Likewise her mentioning pork chops? She's got a whole career record you could go after, if you thought she wasn't up to the job, yet you're parroting cheap jibes that you've read on Twitter. What next, she's got a weird nose?




I posted a you tube link of Harris in Warsaw. Hardly irrelevant. Biden announced he's standing down on twitter. His dog Champ announced it before the BBC.


To keep trying to downgade the content on Twitter is as ridiculous as questioning the Royal Mail because within your letters you've got spam offering you cheap Windows and half price deals at the local curry house.  It's an easy cop out to avoid facing up to the content. 


Again. Not Twitter.





I blame YouTube. 

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9 hours ago, Gnasher said:


No problem at all Curly. No need to apologise, probably my fault for being irritating. Anyway thanks for the post. I also apologise to you for some of the stupid posts I sent back. 

Stop this! Fight to the bloody, brutal death.

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1 minute ago, Bruce Spanner said:


Does she like pork chops, or is she just in the employ of Big Pork?


Makes you think...


Tell it to the Eastern Europeans. They love her cackling. I'm sure they do.






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11 hours ago, Gnasher said:


Why would Muslims respond with 'ah that's nice" to Harris buying pork chop? Which seems to have reminded her its Eid. She's ventured in Truss territory of Pork markets. 

I obviously meant they'd react that way to  Eid Mubarak.

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12 hours ago, Gnasher said:


It's not that, I know it's silly but it's all about perception. It's as if buying the Pork reminded her to send the next tweet. I find it trvial, you find it trivial but some may look on it a little strange

It's really not as if buying pork reminded her of that.  Not by any stretch of the imagination.


11 hours ago, Gnasher said:

I'm glad you're now the voice for all Muslims. I've explained to Code. 

OK, let me rephrase it: do you imagine any Muslim would take offence at a non-Muslim eating pork?  Or would give a fuck if they did it at Eid?  Or would have any negative reaction to someone tweeting Eid Mubarak?


A pound to a pinch of shit says whoever decided to juxtapose those tweets wasn't a Muslim.

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